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  1. D

    Random socket set question

    Don't forget the Stromberg carburetors which would have the fluid mysteriously disappear out of the dashpot. Fun synching them up!
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    Random socket set question

    I had a 1980 Pontiac Phoenix (X-Car like the Chevy Citation) which was about 50% metric when Detroit was phasing in Metric. Fortunately, I had a 1973 Capri too which was metric so I was already partially up to speed on tools. The 1976 Triumph TR-7 I had was all SAE since it was built in the...
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    What's the price of gas where you live?

    This afternoon Sam's Club here dropped again from $5.14 to $5.10 and the lines returned. Fortunately, I don't gas up after about 10am here due to the temps. You'll spend more in fuel to run the a/c while in line.
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    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Same here Rich. Beat you with a 2 cent drop at Sams Club to $5.14!
  5. D

    A born Arkansan in Rhode Island

    I miss the Helluva Good Onion Dip and lots of Cains products. Looking at the fridge... Where's the Gansett and Autocrat coffee syrup? Great brisket!
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    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Price holding at $5.17 at Sam's Club. Lines were very short today so I filled up.
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    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Got gas this morning at Sams Club. Jumped to $5.17 from $5.10 from yesterday.
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    Your 1st barbecue restaurant

    Wes's Ribs in Providence, RI
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    The forgotten Weber Flame 27000 Fireplace/Fire Pit

    Jeff got me looking several years back and I finally scored a NG one about two years ago. Only thing it didn't have was the cover. Found a reasonable substitute on Amazon. Great unit!
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    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Sam's Club here is at $5.10 for regular. Jumped 20 cents in a week.
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    Automatic Gas Shutoff Timers

    I'd take it back to the store for a refund. No matter how you configure it, the burner valves will still be in the on position on the grill. If the device fails to totally shut off the NG, you will be pouring NG into the grill and surrounding area looking for an ignition source. I've...
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    Barn Cats work pretty well.
  13. D

    Workin on 2 E 320's right has manifold hangers and the other doesnt.....question....

    The front has a tab that rides on the bottom lip of the right side frame that the stainless sits in and the rear end has a bolt up to the rear frame. Piece is sort of a U channel piece of stock with about a 2" 90 to get it up to the frame. Also has a notch cutout for where the gas hose...
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    2007 Weber E-310 refurb

    oops! That's a different critter than the Genesis E-310
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    Workin on 2 E 320's right has manifold hangers and the other doesnt.....question....

    the 2007 manifold besides the two bolts to the firebox had a crossmember under the valves that eliminated the issue you describe. 2008-2010 had wings on the manifold that ride in slits in the front and rear frames. Sounds like you have one of each. The 2007 should have a separate igniter...
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    2007 Weber E-310 refurb

    Ben: Not sure if this is a regular Genesis model 2007-2010 models have stainless steel side shelves in the grey metal frames . Attached is a link to what they would look like.
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    TVWB 24th Anniversary Prize Drawing

    some cool summer colors there!
  18. D

    2007 Weber E-310 refurb

    Easy way to determine if it is a 2007 Genesis is the manifold is supported by a cross member under the valves. 2008-2010 models have wings on the manifold that sit in slots on the frame. 2007 models also have a separate ignitor vs. the 2008-2010 which it is attached to the front burner. Just...
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    Too far away for me.....Weber Fireplace

    Did it have the side panels? They weren't in the photo.
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    Too far away for me.....Weber Fireplace

    I disassembled mine at the sellers house in Utah. It came apart very easily. Base and upper parts fit in the trunk of our Taurus and a garbage bag held the lava rock and a container with the bolts and nuts. I forgot to mention the ceramic logs too. Being disassembled made it much easier to...

