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  1. Joe Anshien

    New The Huntsman Kettle Kamado Grill from Spider coming.

    Very nice looking cook and great write up. Does the Weber kettle lid fit the Huntsman? If so does it give you more room? I agree that Weber could innovate the kettle more than minor and cosmetic changes. A door would be great. The reason I like my little Char-Griller Patio is the pull out...
  2. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    Funny how he has it chained to a tree in the second pic....Like someone is going to attempt to steal it?
  3. Joe Anshien

    Disappointed In Myself

    Thanks for the very enjoyable write up. All part of the BBQ fun times. Next time take pics. Stories are better with pics...We learned that as kids;-)
  4. Joe Anshien

    Vintage 1960/70s Coppertone brown Weber Kettle Grill nice $55 in Lewiston, NY

    I know someone around here was looking for this grill.
  5. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    That looks great. Did you post this to the Huntsman thread? How do you like the grill?
  6. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    This one is a little different: Description says "The manliest grill ever"
  7. Joe Anshien

    Nice idea for a 26" kettle stand off FB

    From Big Green Egg. Looks really nice but it isn't cheep $549 just for the center stand.
  8. Joe Anshien

    Thanksgiving Brisket Kettle edition

    Should keep those trimmings. I cut them up and put them in a pot on the grill will the brisket (if there is room). By the time the brisket is done you will have some really nice tallow. Can even add some to brisket if / when your wrap. Use the rest for cooking.
  9. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    What ya getting?
  10. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    I kinda like the look.
  11. Joe Anshien

    ChatGPT Best all in one charcoal smoker and grill

    Don't you hate it when copy and paste don't work correctly! 1. Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker (WSM) Type: Vertical smoker Grill + Smoker Features: This is primarily a smoker but has the ability to grill, especially when you use the direct heat zone. Pros: Excellent temperature control...
  12. Joe Anshien

    ChatGPT Best all in one charcoal smoker and grill

    First time using it and I asked it "What is Best all in one charcoal smoker and grill" This came back: When searching for the best all-in-one charcoal smoker and grill, you're likely looking for a versatile, durable, and efficient option that excels at both grilling and smoking. Here are a...
  13. Joe Anshien

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    I am 100% right handed, but have been playing ping pong a lot with my wife who will never be as good as I, so I now play her left handed. I am getting pretty good and still beat her about 80% of the time, but she is getting better. I told her when she can beat me 2 out of 3 games I am going...
  14. Joe Anshien


    I think there may be chuck roasts and then there are chuck roasts. The first one we smoked a few years ago we were not at all happy with. It was rather large, took forever on the WSM, was fatty and kind of nasty. I pulled it like a pork butt, but said I am never doing one of those...
  15. Joe Anshien

    Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

    It was! The guy Venmo'd me 2 days before picking it up. Came from an hour and a half away, and pulled up in a Tesla with a trailer.
  16. Joe Anshien

    Jerky Slicer (Small)

    Nice - But we need to see the finished product;-)
  17. Joe Anshien

    Lets see your turkey fryers.

    You could also try tasting it. If it is bad it smells and tastes like rancid nuts or seeds. I have some rancid vegetable oil I have been using to season my smoker and keep the metal from rusting.
  18. Joe Anshien

    Lets see your turkey fryers.

    Smell it. You will know if it is rancid. Most likely is. I always filtered it and put it back in smaller containers to use or give away.

