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  1. Joe Anshien

    One of those IR Grills

    I have seen some used IR grills for about $200 on FBM. There was a Broilmaster not too far, but I was wondering how low they can go because you don't want to always seer something. Could you let us know how they do on "regular" slower indirect / direct cooks? Thanks
  2. Joe Anshien

    Lowe's clearance - Copper Kettle Premium $95

    I was in Lowes today and almost nothing was marked down. Very disappointed.
  3. Joe Anshien

    One of those IR Grills

    I would agree, however having a bottom one built into the grill is a close second.
  4. Joe Anshien

    One of those IR Grills

    In this vid he does pull out the tray and cook a steak. I have the IR on my Napoleon or else I would probably get one for $120
  5. Joe Anshien

    One of those IR Grills

    Tom just demoed one for $120
  6. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    Free is the best. I bet there are a lot of good parts even if you do not flip it. Grates alone are usually really nice.
  7. Joe Anshien

    Nice idea for a 26" kettle stand off FB

    Here is one on FBM for $275.
  8. Joe Anshien

    Kitchen Aid Mixer add-ons in video

    Thanks - I knew you were the man to ask;-)
  9. Joe Anshien

    Kitchen Aid Mixer add-ons in video

    I think @LMichaels has a lot of experience with these mixers. I came across this video and after demoing the handle he has a few add-ons that look interesting and can supposedly extend the life of the mixer and make it a little better. Wonder if they make sense...
  10. Joe Anshien

    Coffee Beans what's in your grinder ???

    You have to sign up and then they let you read for a trial period. Thanks for the cliff notes version;-)
  11. Joe Anshien

    I will just leave this here

    Never seen this one before. Cast aluminum base.
  12. Joe Anshien

    Who else wants to see Weber update the Performer Deluxe Charcoal Grill?

    My metal table rusted also. Common problem around the screw holes. If not stainless at least enamel coat it like the rest of the grill. Maybe offer it in colors;-)
  13. Joe Anshien

    Nice idea for a 26" kettle stand off FB

    Ok - In the BGE stand it looks like the grill is supported by its edge.
  14. Joe Anshien

    This Grill PAYS For Itself!!! Charcoal vs Propane vs Pellet

    You guys are just no fun. Here I was just tryin to justify all the savings I would have by buying a multi-thousand dollar cooker like an M1, Hasty Bake, or El Patron;-)
  15. Joe Anshien

    Nice idea for a 26" kettle stand off FB

    Not sure how the wood would hold up next to a kettle as a BGE is insulated and the 26" is not. There is a lot more competition in the Egg market than there used to be. I also think a lot of BGE folks may have converted to pellets for automated cooking?
  16. Joe Anshien

    This Grill PAYS For Itself!!! Charcoal vs Propane vs Pellet

    In the comments someone wrote that they left their Natural Gas grill lit on high (cleaning and forgot) for a week and it cost them an extra $4;-)
  17. Joe Anshien

    This Grill PAYS For Itself!!! Charcoal vs Propane vs Pellet

    I also do the same with charcoal. I did think some of the info he presented was quite interesting.
  18. Joe Anshien

    This Grill PAYS For Itself!!! Charcoal vs Propane vs Pellet

    Really thought provoking video. I would like to see the costs if you were using a Weber kettle or even your big *** offset with charcoal instead of a kamado that is like the Prius of grills;-) Would really like to see how my Masterbuilt Gravity comes out;-)
  19. Joe Anshien

    Never trust another man's grill

    How did the char-broil oil-less air fryer bird come out? I used one of those for years and they came out wonderful.
  20. Joe Anshien

    The Humor Thread

