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  1. Joe Anshien

    Gunna make a big change with my grilling set up.......

    I have refilled lots of the disposable 1lb'ers but find the seal at the top often start to leak. I have tried to lubricate them with minimal success. I wound up buying a 4 pack of the metal screw on tops with a seal and they do work. The flame king has never leaked.
  2. Joe Anshien

    Gunna make a big change with my grilling set up.......

    You can also buy these as they are approved to be refilled.
  3. Joe Anshien

    Weber Genesis Platinum, I bought in Wausau,Wisconsin. Will be drastically modified.

    I bend the bracket around the original mount instead of welding like Bruce did. In fact I am doing another igniter hack on the Alfresco I am working on.
  4. Joe Anshien

    Weber Genesis Platinum, I bought in Wausau,Wisconsin. Will be drastically modified.

    Funny - My memory must be shot as I had even liked and commented on that YouTube video. Very similar to the Wolf igniter hack I did back some time ago.
  5. Joe Anshien

    My "Weber" Restoration (Spoiler: HappyCooker)

    Wow - Looks like it belongs there inside! It is nice when things are built to last, even if they need some help along the way. Nice work.
  6. Joe Anshien


    Yes I tried one of these and did not like it. It did not get hot enough as it is so high and stuff kept falling in the front trough. I sold mine. I like either a cast iron or high carbon steel one that sits on the grates.
  7. Joe Anshien

    Weber Genesis Platinum, I bought in Wausau,Wisconsin. Will be drastically modified.

    You have a link to that igniter hack? I tried the build thread but did not see it.
  8. Joe Anshien

    My "Weber" Restoration (Spoiler: HappyCooker)

    Wow - Really outstanding. You may want to take that Mastertouch just for parts and test cooks to see how you like it. Depending on what parts are good you may be able to turn a standard kettle into a MT?
  9. Joe Anshien

    Gunna make a big change with my grilling set up.......

    This is a picture of my setup. I had just a capped 1/2" pipe. I h
  10. Joe Anshien

    Gunna make a big change with my grilling set up.......

    Sounds good but why are you waiting on quick connects? I bough a bunch for my back porch from Amazon and got them in a day. I have a heater, generator, and grill all hooked up to a 3 way to my home propane tank. Same connections.
  11. Joe Anshien

    My "Weber" Restoration (Spoiler: HappyCooker)

    Bummer too much work for a trade or flip. If you were closer I would suggest bringing it to Tom Horseman (YouTube channel) to add to his "Land of Grills" as he has a lot of lost classics.
  12. Joe Anshien

    Smoked Rotisserie Turkey On The Lone Star Grillz El Patron

    Brining in sweet tea is a new one on me.
  13. Joe Anshien

    Gunna make a big change with my grilling set up.......

    I liked the 2 burner Genesis except the rotisserie was mounted so low I had to have the right shelf in the folded position. What I don't get is why you would have to mode the Q to use a 20lb tank as a $12 simple hose is all you need...
  14. Joe Anshien

    My "Weber" Restoration (Spoiler: HappyCooker)

    Thanks - Very helpful explanation. What a fun grill.
  15. Joe Anshien

    Smoked Rotisserie Turkey On The Lone Star Grillz El Patron

    Would love to see some pics and a little write up with the results when you do the cook. It has been extensively tested here that to get crispy skin you will have to end the cook higher than 325 though. Maybe a little direct fired action at the end by removing the deflectors would do it up...
  16. Joe Anshien

    Smoked Rotisserie Turkey On The Lone Star Grillz El Patron

    Do you have an El Patron? That is not the way I would cook it. He can start off at 250° or so but if cooked the whole way you get rubber for skin. I continually raise the temps until it is mid 400-500° at the end and you wind up with a juicy bird with a crispy skin. There is a whole very...
  17. Joe Anshien

    Weber Repair, Issue and Screw Replacement

    That is really interesting. I am really surprised that the UK has a crossover and the US does not! I usually soak in PBBlaster a few times overnight and use vise grips. If that fails torch it until red hot and use vise grips. If that fails grind it flat and redrill.
  18. Joe Anshien

    My "Weber" Restoration (Spoiler: HappyCooker)

    Great job. This really does seem like it could be the perfect kettle. The 2 features I would like to see in a weber is a flip up lid (they tried this with a Mastertouch and the hinge did not work great) and being able to move the charcoal higher and lower for searing / smoking. The one thing...
  19. Joe Anshien

    Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

    Thanks - The basics of all gas grills are the same so there's that. So far it could use new burners as there is a tiny hole in the bottom of each one, missing briquet diffusers and holders, and the igniters and system are kind of toast. I found an aftermarket set of burners, briquets, and...
  20. Joe Anshien

    Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

    I had decided against it and he offered it to me for I had to get it. Was not even that heavy after stripping it all the way down. It was a little tough to dislodge it from the dirt it was in. Also had a full compliment of ants that made it home. I have a feeling it may even be...

