Search results

  1. GaryP

    Beef Back Ribs - wrap or not (and other questions)

    I am a 275-300 guy. The times I have done beef ribs I did not wrap. By the time I had the color I wanted they were getting close so I let it ride. I think Brett is right on the money about the game time decision as that's how I remember mine. I was prepared to wrap but in the end I did not. Good...
  2. GaryP

    Indoor Plant Care

    I've got one of those too. But bless her heart she keeps trying.
  3. GaryP

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year

    Love Hatch chilis. Did not get exposed to them until we moved to Texas. Do you grow your own?
  4. GaryP

    My new rig

    Well I got the call I've been waiting for today for fifteen months. Jamie called me and my new pit is going for paint next week. I am super excited. Going to have to get the trailer buttoned up for the trip north. I'll send some photos when it's home.
  5. GaryP

    Vacuum food saver

    We had a food saver for years. Initially it for sealing hops for homebrew but it's awesome to have for food. Just me and the ol lady so when we used to have a Costco it was great. The food saver gave it up last year and I bought an anova off Amazon. It has a very small footprint and it's been...
  6. GaryP

    Thermapen ONE only $69.97

    Heck of a deal. I absolutely love mine.
  7. GaryP

    Sausage, Brisket, Pork Shoulder-Oh My

    Looks great but where is Ginger's chicken?
  8. GaryP

    New Dog Pics - Post Pics Of Your Best Friend!

    My buddy was a Sergeant in charge of his departments k9 program at one time. I asked him once(one night after some drinks) if I could put on the suit and he laughed and said "absolutely!". A few weeks later he made it happen. The amount of power that dog had was crazy. Needless to say I didn't...
  9. GaryP

    My new rig

    A bit nerve-wracking to cut a giant hole in a new trailer. My wife is so funny she said she had to go inside because it made her too nervous. Anyway, got a window in. Power converter and 12v battery are in but not exciting to look at. Have a great Sunday everyone.
  10. GaryP

    My new rig

  11. GaryP

    My new rig

    Back in the CA days we were the cooking porkies. Now that I'm solo I've tossed around a lot of names. Currently I'm entering under "Bougie Que" but I haven't stuck on it enough to get a logo made yet.
  12. GaryP

    Hello from North Texas

    Hello back at you from south Texas. Cookin' on a Weber is always a good time. Tons and tons of great info and techniques here. Welcome aboard.
  13. GaryP

    My new rig

    No Lynn and Dustin have the franklins. I currently have a backyard Jambo and will be getting an enclosed soon. I have definitely gone off the deep end money-wise. I started with an 18 and 22 wsm and an ez-up. I think it's like most things, you can go just as crazy as your bank account will allow.
  14. GaryP

    My new rig

    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. I'll keep this thread updated as I move along. I'm very lucky to be able to be doing this and I can't wait to get it built out.
  15. GaryP

    July 4th cook

    Love me some German potato salad. Pork looks great!
  16. GaryP

    My new rig

    A few years ago I was bitten by the comp bbq bug. I competed a little with my father in law when I still lived in CA and loved every minute. Now being in Texas and without my old teammate, I'm going for it. I've decided it's my mid-life crisis, and my wife is super supportive. Last year I...
  17. GaryP

    What's on tap/brew schedule?

    West coast pale came out great. Going to brew up a nut brown on Tuesday. Getting the starter going tonight.
  18. GaryP

    TVWGG Hot Dog Taste-Off

    Down here lots of people put mayo on them. Hebrew national or Nathan's are our go-to dogs. I've become a fan of Whataburger's spicy ketchup so it's a 50/50 mustard to ketchup ratio. I do have a very different one for you guys though. A few years back on a camping trip we had hot dogs the first...
  19. GaryP

    Dealership being shady with people who don't know cars...

    Without getting into specific stories, this is 100% correct. Seems like every job we get in has a part on backorder with no eta. Have a couple vehicles waiting on parts since October. Customers are pissed, and I don't blame them. And finding even remotely qualified techs is very hard. I'm 42...
  20. GaryP

    Brisket: Inject or Not?

    I do both. Most of the time at home- no injection. Comps- always. My wife swears she can taste the phosphates so I don't do it here. My biggest piece of advice for injection is to taste the injection before you use it. There are some out there that taste awful, and others that are nice. If it...

