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  1. Andrew F

    New 22 WSM

    Not to poo-poo the fireboard or the Inkbird, but I use a heatermeter on my WSM. for weather proofing I have it in a plastic case from home depot that was probably about 5$. The cover over hangs the side so all that was needed was a little knife work to allow the wire out.
  2. Andrew F

    Heatermeter 4.3 issues

    Just for giggles I'll toss my latest find in, just in case it helps. My HM was being a pill and not updating with the web UI. It was also randomly deciding to connect to the web on the phone, but not on the laptop. Yeah, that was a weird one. A new WIFI adapter from amazon solved the problem...
  3. Andrew F

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    Working on double smoking a ham. Just stated the smoker.
  4. Andrew F

    Post Your Config Settings

    I'll look into it.
  5. Andrew F

    Post Your Config Settings

    I'm running a 22" WSM with an adapta-damper with a 15cmf blower. P 4.5 I 0.02 D 6 Fan output is voltage on above 5 min 0% max 100% startup max 100% Servo closed 1000 open 1850 fully open at 100% After many years, I think my servo is getting wonky. It doesn't like to move all the time and...
  6. Andrew F

    Another Use for the Heatermeter

    If it is scaling that bad, you need a water softener, or a new one. You woudl still have to distill the water for other uses, but everything connected to the water would be happier with it softened.
  7. Andrew F

    No meat probe graph...

    This may or may not be related. I've been having a hard time getting Linkmeter to show up on my laptop. The "LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface " shows up, and then disappears, but then nothing loads/ shows. Shows up fine on my phone, same chrome browser. Doesn't seem to matter which browser...
  8. Andrew F

    New Build - Flashing Lights

    I have never had any luck setting up my HM with WiFi. It’s probably me, not the programming or anything. Have you tried just plugging in a network cable? Once on line with that way, I can then set up the WiFi using the dashboard
  9. Andrew F

    New Build - Flashing Lights

    Correct. Download the zip file to your desk top. Make a new folder on the desk top and unzip ( un-pack) it to the new folder. Use the file in the new folder to flash onto the sd card. You are also using Win Disk or something to flash the SD card, and not just saving the file?
  10. Andrew F

    Boneless leg of lamb on the SF🔥

    I made mine dizzy!
  11. Andrew F

    New Build - Flashing Lights

    Having just done this, here was my bone head move. I didn’t unzip the files before flashing them to the SD card. I also downloaded the wrong version more than once. (B+, A, zero, etc. etc. )
  12. Andrew F

    Servo and Fan Replacement

    The fan used to be a DELTA 50MM 6.7CFM and an the servo was a MG90S.
  13. Andrew F

    Rustoleum at almost 50 Degrees

    Keep the rattle cans inside until you paint, and warm them up in a bowl of hot/warm ( like a hot tub or so, not boiling) water to help them spray better.
  14. Andrew F

    Post your HM homepage customizations

    [/code] Is there a full list of everything that can be modded?
  15. Andrew F

    Post your HM homepage customizations

    Nice! Thank you. I upgraded to the latest software (April 2020) on Monday. That's what started all of this.
  16. Andrew F

    Post your HM homepage customizations

    Allow me to dig up an old thread... I've been playing with my HM while I'm stuck at home. I've changed a bunch of stuff on the home page using the CSS tool. Is there a way to change the probe colors? as well as the fan speed on the graphs?
  17. Andrew F

    Dave's Smokefire EX6 Experiences

    It sounds like things are going well for you now. What is your final list of mods?
  18. Andrew F

    WSM 22 and Heatermeter with rd3

    Thanks. I swiped it form another member.
  19. Andrew F

    Radio controlled cars.

    Ok, so when you power on the remote, the LEDS come on and it beeps or something? Good, we can assume that that part works. Does the car beep or anything when it is turned on?
  20. Andrew F

    Which handle light for the Q?

    I've tried a couple of grill lights. They do a great job of lighting the smoke coming off the grill. I usually just wrap the snake light around my neck, or use the light up hat.

