Search results

  1. JKim in MA

    I will just leave this here

    It's a 2005 Silver B Premium with a Gold hood and a non-original emblem. I've built some franken-grills in the past and that one gets my approval for ingenuity.
  2. JKim in MA

    Refurb suggestions

    The cup has a threaded female fitting. The angle grinder has a threaded male fitting. Need we go on? :rolleyes:
  3. JKim in MA

    Source for drip pan holders

    > Curious if the Uniflasy is actually a Porcelain coated Steel pan or is it a Aluminum pan painted Black? I'll have to look again... I have a surplus of Weber pans so I kind of chucked the Uniflasy pan in the parts bin. Come to think of it... one of the surplus Weber pans is black, I will see...
  4. JKim in MA

    Genesis Redhead 1100 "Diamondplate Edition" Restoration

    Ryan, feel free to give me the Durawood pieces once you've replaced them with the wood slats. ;)
  5. JKim in MA

    Source for drip pan holders

    I bought one of these earlier this month and have it installed on my 2005 Silver B Premium The Uniflasy version nothing special to write home about. The drip tray that it comes with is thinner than the Weber original, and I have some reservations about how long the drip tray holder itself will...
  6. JKim in MA

    Has anyone made a hybrid?

    A 1000 firebox does not fit in a B (or C) frame.
  7. JKim in MA

    Q200 butane to propane

    Butane has more energy than propane per volume, what you are seeing is not unexpected as far as heat output is concerned. I can't speak for the flame pattern.
  8. JKim in MA

    Would you pay $8 for this?

    Jon, here's another oddball grill for you that I'm sure you'd buy if it was closer (and cheaper): The poor guy has been trying to sell it for months.
  9. JKim in MA

    rare find but too rich for my blood

    "Pictures are photos I found on internet." meaning.... they are not photos of the actual grill.
  10. JKim in MA

    My New Genesis 1000 Redhead

    They are not compatible. I might have a spare 1000-5000 control panel for you though. Let me look tonight (perhaps a mutually equitable trade could be bartered).
  11. JKim in MA

    Resto/Refurb of a "Well-Loved" $10 Genesis 1000LX

    Ryan, they are $17/pair + shipping from RCP, so you're looking at like $40-$45.
  12. JKim in MA

    Q 3200 cradle repair question

    The cradles are attached to the cookbox with 4 Torx bolts (I can't remember which size, but they are in the T25/T27/T30 range). I've rehabbed 3 Q300/Q320 grills this summer and on all 3, the cookbox was removed in the same manner on all 3. Good luck!
  13. JKim in MA

    Genesis Gold early 2000's not running right - have to turn on LP very slow

    Jeff, I have a propane manifold that will fit that grill and I'm like one town over from you. Drop me a PM if you'd like to buy it.
  14. JKim in MA

    Would you pay $8 for this?

    You bought it already, haven't you... :) A fellow Weber rehabber was that I am friendly with was trying to find a buyer for an MHP WNK grill earlier this summer. I'm sure it would have been a nice grill... there's just no demand for them and they just don't do it for me aesthetically.
  15. JKim in MA

    Saving an '05 Silver B Premium

    I used a ball of steel wool that was pretty gummed up with firebox grease to begin with. I could have used a dish sponge with similar results and effort. It was the Dawn Power Dissolver that did most of the work.
  16. JKim in MA

    Starting restoration on Weber Genesis Silver B

    I would not blame you one bit for wanting to clean that firebox and lid thoroughly, even for personal use. That grill is pretty gross. Check out the recent discussion on Dawn Power Dissolver
  17. JKim in MA

    Resto/Refurb of a "Well-Loved" $10 Genesis 1000LX

    Good looking cast iron grates, easily worth the $10 price for them alone.
  18. JKim in MA

    GENESIS E-320 NG BLK will only heat up to 450, is this normal?

    I have several of those 1/8" npt to 3/8" flare fittings at home to compare with. Is that 2nd pic the "before" or "after" pic of drilling it out?
  19. JKim in MA

    How do you install the connectors for square tubes?

    i usually place a scrap piece of wood on the ground, slide in the threaded insert into the tube by hand as far as it will go (which isn't far, just enough so that it stays still), flip the tube upside down so the insert is facing the ground, and then hit the tube against the wood. 2-3 hits...

