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  1. DuaneMac

    Random: Links, Snack Sticks, Picanha, and Beverages

    Just amazing! Wish I was your neighbor, I’d supply the Bourbon…
  2. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  3. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  4. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

    That reminds me of This old joke!
  5. DuaneMac

    Charcoal Grilling Ban in New Jersey

    I’m just across the river in PA and obviously our weather has been identical. Some counties have a “no burn” in effect but I haven’t read about any near me. (Bucks County) I will, however, be erring on the side of caution and canceling our weekly Friday night neighborhood bonfire that we host. I...
  6. DuaneMac

    Chicken tomato stir fry

    Tomatoes are something I would never associate with Chinese food, looks good though.
  7. DuaneMac

    Rotisserie advice needed

    I love the rotisserie on the Performer. I’ve been doing the Thanksgiving turkey on it for the last few years. Usually do Mike Vrobel’s Cajun turkey
  8. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  9. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    I had to wrestle Bobby Brady for this one! Made by Coleman for Sears.
  10. DuaneMac

    Anyone with Florida Keys Experience?

    I agree. Just about EVERYTHING on Duvall St. is a tourist trap! The Hogbreath’s and Willie T’s are always a good time with good music.
  11. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  12. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    I don’t know how I got it in my head that he’d passed, so glad to hear that he’s still doing his thing. I’ll have to check out the Wolfe Pit again.
  13. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    I thought he passed a couple years ago, I know he was battling a spinal disease. Maybe I’m wrong, I hope so. His Pepper Stout Beef was one of the first things I tried many years ago.
  14. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    Spam brings back many childhood memories for me. I’ve always wanted to make my own using the late great Larry Wolfe’s recipe.
  15. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam!…
  16. DuaneMac

    Anyone with Florida Keys Experience?

    We love the Keys! We fly into FLL and drive to Key West. We’ve been to Buzzards Roost and Snooks Tiki Bar both in Key Largo. The Beach Cafe at Morada Bay in Islamorada is nice, tables right in the sand. Lunch at the Beach Cafe
  17. DuaneMac

    Long time Weber owner, first time forum poster

    Hi John, welcome from Bucks County PA! Nice setup!
  18. DuaneMac

    Got my first Weber Kettle, So I'm Here to Say Hello!

    Looks like you have the premium model with the adjustable grill height lever. I like the interior ash catcher they use too. Be sure and show us it all cleaned up and your first cooks too!
  19. DuaneMac

    Got my first Weber Kettle, So I'm Here to Say Hello!

    No need to feel foolish, they’re really cool grills. They’ve got some neat features and I’d imagine are pretty rare being as they were only made for a short time. Get some wheels for it and cook on that awesome grill!

