Search results

  1. Dave in KC

    Grill Grates - Damaged or Dirty?

    Buy a nice set of stainless grates and forget worrying about your current issue.
  2. Dave in KC

    Here is something different to chat about....question for the pro's

    I would like to see pics of your beat up 335 and the back story. They started making those in 2017 or so. Can it not be saved?
  3. Dave in KC

    Summit S-650 rehab/restore

    Credit to you for restoring this grill and enjoying the purpose of doing so. I don't believe I could make a list of 11 people that I would want coming over my to house and having to cook for once a quarter, let alone every week. :p
  4. Dave in KC

    Need some help refurbishing a Summit S-650

    If you are the original owner, it should be warranty. If not, then $500-$600 may be worth it, IF the rest is in really good condition. I was fortunate enough to recently pick up a S650 in very good condition that had not been worked like a rented mule. The inside front of the firebox is...
  5. Dave in KC

    Painting at 70% humidity

    Weather Underground has been my favorite for years. Minimal ads, and dead on, up to the minute accurate info. There are 3 sensor setups with in 2 miles of my house. is fine for forecasts, but I don't want to know what the weather is doing "at the airport," 30 miles away.
  6. Dave in KC

    Too hot to grill?

    Missouri is pure misery this week. The dew points around KC have topped 80 for all but a few hours each day since Saturday. Take the short walk from my car to the front door and you break a very noticeable sweat. We fired up the Genesis and cooked meals for the next few days. It's very hot...
  7. Dave in KC

    I will just leave this here

    Wolf spotted in KC area.
  8. Dave in KC

    I will just leave this here

    Big Green Dud w/ 2 too many zeros on the price.
  9. Dave in KC

    Average Used/Restored Grill Prices - Valuations Guide

    Guilty conscious much Jimmy? I didn't mention your name once, and only quoted your post because you mentioned the "TVWBB" note in his ad. Congrats on jumping to conclusions and for using your 3rd grade panty wad jab. In case you are not aware - TVWBB is not the place for that. Have a nice day.
  10. Dave in KC

    Average Used/Restored Grill Prices - Valuations Guide

    The seller is a member here and likely didn't appreciate folks here clowning on him for his post. Brian is very crafty and does some amazing work. He is also one of the most helpful guys you will ever come across on the grill pages.
  11. Dave in KC

    I've seen it all now.....

    Y'all need to check out more of Brian's handywork before trying to clown on him. He's one the craftiest guys you will ever find on the grill pages and also one of the most helpful should you ever run into a problem.
  12. Dave in KC

    Genesis 300 series front control panel paint help

    Jon is correct. I would imagine she wouldn't mind making you a set for a small fee and postage.
  13. Dave in KC

    Genesis - Harley Davidson edition?

    I have had discussions with a quite a few folks about the possibility of color changes. The $$ required to re-enamel ends those discussions lickity-split and I don't even have the cost of shipping that most folks here have. My build to spec typically involves which grates, and aftermarket or...
  14. Dave in KC

    Picked up this beauty the other day! Weber FT400

    Bruce, how far are you from Pulaski?
  15. Dave in KC

    I will just leave this here

    Nice Chill. I wish I had those shelves for mine.
  16. Dave in KC

    Best resale E330 color?

    Of your 3 choices, it's a complete coin flip in my area. They are all basically equal as I sell all 3 at the same price depending up the actual quality of each individual grill. $375 to $475.
  17. Dave in KC

    Selling my Genesis II S-435, need advice

    Based on your info- DO NOT CONVERT. New burners, flavorizers , heat deflectors will help, but I would not be taking them out of a new grill to sell the old one. Any cleaning you do, will certainly help. Please post a few pics so I can give you a much better idea. Without pics I can only give a...
  18. Dave in KC

    Is this used Genesis a good deal - HELP identifying and some Q's from a newbie

    Interesting. First time I have seen that used on a side winder. I wonder why they even bothered to put it in a NG model.

