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  1. Clint

    Walmart Delivery

    Other options: instacart & amazon/whole foods. I've only used amazon/whole foods
  2. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    Critical: Auto/Transportation (repair/fuel) Food (grocers/restaurants) Medical Utilities (power/water/phone/internet/garbage) Financial Police/Fire/Security Non-essential (at the moment), or those required to stay home: Some retail workers (not hardware stores or ? Bartenders Barbers / Salons...
  3. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    Try this one - my worker pulls this site up (in Spanish) a few times per week where I see it. His mom, sister, & a lot of their family live in Spain. It's been bad over there for ~3 weeks, and we're not far behind. The pages look different - I don't see the "muertos" listed like one page he...
  4. Clint

    Soda Stream

    I got a soda stream fizzi around Christmas & really like it. I went to the home brew shop & got a 10# co2 tank and an adapter off of amazon so I could refill my own cartridges. I started with the flavors from Walmart, got a 2.5 gallon diet coke off of Amazon (they sell @ some costcos & sams...
  5. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    I have 4 empty tanks I've been meaning to fill up. I checked earlier today - the propane store I like best is closed until Monday
  6. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19
  7. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    Same thing @ Restaurant depot today (employee manning the door, letting one in as one came out, wiping down the carts while we waited). Sneeze guards at the grocer last time I went there but I didn't get a good look - i opted for self checkout which seemed normal. @ restaurant depot today...
  8. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    pretty sure we're all ready for this to be over. I was told we lost >1000 yesterday earlier today. We lost 1300 yesterday per this link: What vitamins is everyone taking? Zinc seems to be popular (between 2 of my friends). I got a...
  9. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    in one of the recent briefings they said that 2.x million would die with no mitigation, so 100K-200K is now the low end. The money sucks for sure - my plans were kicked right in the d. I wonder how everyone's going to get through this. My emotions shift between generally optimistic & hopeful...
  10. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    A neighbor just sent this to me: interesting interactive info, pick your state
  11. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19 A plane from Shanghai arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York Sunday morning carrying an extraordinary load: 12 million gloves...
  12. Clint

    The Humor Thread

  13. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    i saw a pic NY Dr wearing a clear plastic clamshell container (like salads or pastries are sold in) as an improvised faceshield in NY.
  14. Clint

    The Humor Thread

  15. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    I'm wearing gloves, a mask sometimes. I had a bit of a cough Thursday evening - swallowed funny & got an itchy throat and I kept coughing more than I wanted all night. I wore a mask when around others on Friday to make sure if I had it there would be less chance of transmission. Had a package...
  16. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    I <3 my house - pool & spa, weight room (I welded a power cage so I can lift safely). Great big garage to work on anything, bicycle trainer, countless books. I wouldn't mind having some free time - under other conditions of course. Unfortunately, I've had to work around a bunch of oblivious...
  17. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    Pretty much means he thinks many are taking it too lightly. adjective adjective: cavalier showing a lack of proper concern; offhand. "Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude"
  18. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    I've been staying home as much as possible. I've reduced service calls to only critical issues. As far as the grocery store, I'm still avoiding that - I thought about going in today but nope. I've been cooking dried beans, eating lots of rice, oatmeal, etc. Made some sandwich bread for...
  19. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19
  20. Clint

    Coronavirus - Covid 19

    Get her out of there. I either have it or im having a panic attack, keep her safe.

