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  1. S

    Sams meat: brands and preferences and choices

    Tom & Kevin, See that is plain strange... Baby Backs have been rediculously expensive around here for the last 2 months or so... The cheapest in town was a Memorial Day Sale at one of the local grocers... it was $3.49 per pound. Tom, I still have a few butts in the freezer that I got @...
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    Sams meat: brands and preferences and choices

    Tom, They all have IBP on the cryovacs. The meat manager told me that Sam's loaded up on these "St Louis Trimmed" spareribs for Memorial Day weekend because they were a much cheaper alternative to baby backs. They got stuck with tons of them because they had them over-priced as well...
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    Sams meat: brands and preferences and choices

    I believe that the only butts that I have gotten from Sam's were from IBP. As for baby backs, I have gotten IBP and Swift. I prefer the IBP ribs. I prefer the IBP Spareribs as well. I have had a couple of different brands. Now I have a question about Sam's Club... Last week, I go into the...
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    Copper River Salmon???

    Keri, I cook alot of wild salmon. Right now, the salmon coming off of the Copper River is WILD SOCKEYE. Give it another couple of weeks and the Kings will show up in force. The difference between wild salmon and farmed salmon is night and day. Seriously, it is almost criminal that they call...
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    John, <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I don't know what the "final" temp was on the tri-tip I did, but the temp went to 138, then I took the grate out of the WSM and set it directly on the charcoal ring until the tri-tip had a nice sizzle on it, flipped...
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    22-pound Pork Shoulder

    Brother Joe, I have cooked alot of chuck rolls in the 20+ lb range on my WSM. I would plan on ATLEAST 24hrs for an unfoiled 22+lb pork shoulder You can always foil that beast, not a bad idea on large pieces of meat, to speed up the times. As for thawing... I thaw all my meat 2 days before...
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    Buying brisket in L.A.?

    Tom, I have found a couple of sources for both choice and prime brisket. However, if you want decent prices, none of my contacts are retail operations. There are a couple of commercial meat cutters down in the Vernon/Mayfair and they will offer brisket up at very reasonable prices. Believe...
  8. S

    Britu rub with Splenda a success!!

    Tom, Yes it works rather well. I have been cooking and baking with splenda for several months now... closing in on a year... I have BBQed with splenda (sauce and rub). I have used splenda in baking cakes. I have used splenda in making crusts and pastry crusts. I have used splenda in making...
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    Am I the only one who dilsikes the MR. Brown recipe?

    when people avoid the bark because it is too peppery, you need to modify the recipe. My father has a saying that he keeps reminding me, it is "cook to your crowd." If it something that your consumers don't like, CHANGE IT to suit their taste. Personally, the rub on the Mr.Brown is pretty far...
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    HJP, If there is one thing that I have learned in all of my years of fly fishing it is this... forget about the exact fly that someone is using but rather what he is trying to accomplish with that fly. If I read a fish report and it say that "our guides have been slamming them on a XYZ Caddis...
  11. S

    SoCal Price Alert (Beef Ribs)

    Mr Park, thanks for the heads up... I picked up 25lbs of them at the westwood store today. I vacuumed packed 20lbs of them and I'll cook up the other 5lbs this week. If I like them (i have never bought meat at Whole Foods before), I'll go buy 25lbs more. Thanks again! Spyro
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    Tri-Tip is always better when cooked on the grill. Cook it covered & indirect @ 300 degrees. Then open up the airflow and uncover so you can get the grill up to 500 degrees or hotter. Finish it off grilling directly over the heat to form a good crust. I usually cook it over oak but will...
  13. S

    Buying brisket in L.A.?

    Grill w/ Bill, I just have one thing to say to you... SHHHHHHHH! I am always on the westside and that Smart & Final on Pico over by Sepulveda & the 405 FWY has been an absolute gold mine for me. They have a large meat section and almost always have 20 briskets in the case. They usually have...
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    Rib racks

    Jason, No fricking lie... $90 for a rib rack is insane. I can't believe that they sell many of them. Now anybody that knows me, knows that I love a quality product. However, there comes that point of dimished returns. I just don't see where the return would be on this investment. I could...
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    Spicy Tequila Marinade

    that marinade is along a very familiar theme... seriously, add a touch of oregano and a T or two of chili powder... It would pretty much be a classic Carne Asada marinade. Believe it or not... one of the secret ingredients in some "modern" carne asada marinades (in some of the larger...
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    Pulling very hot pork-new technique

    I have used these silicon gloves called orkas but never for pulling. They are a great glove. They are waterproof and seriously stain resistant.
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    First brisket sale of the season

    In southern california, Albertson's is currently selling spare ribs at $0.97 until Tuesday.
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    Most Butts on a WSM?

    You can put a bunch of butts on the WSM. It just depends on what steps you are willing to take. If I split them and use an extra grate, you can fit 8 butts into the cooker with ease. Anyway back to 4 butts. This is the number that I most regularly cook in my WSM and I do them whole. I...
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    Finally got around to smoking some cheese...

    after some of the most stressful weeks of my life, I finally got some time to smoke a few things. So while I was waiting for a couple of chimenies of charcoal to ash over nicely, I grabbed 1 well lit coal and 1 unlit coal. Placed them in the WSM, a couple of apple wood chips and filled up the...
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    Forschner Knive Set- Which handle?

    Sonny, I got my microbans locally so I can't vouch for any of the website I am giving you... Dom's Outdoor seems to have them IN STOCK and at a pretty good price.

