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  1. J

    Anyone soldered ribbon cables with big T-tip on soldering iron?

    If you have a Frys near by get a cheap hot air gun for use on shrink wrap and then just use that to heat the glue
  2. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    Technically, it's not finished yet, lol. I still need to paint the bottom legs, but I need to get the expanded metal and weld it in then I can finish the painting. John
  3. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    It's a small world. I lived in Elgin, until 2015. Lived off of big timber and combs rd. I finally was able to move back to Washington st. After trying to get out of Illinois for 16 years.
  4. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    The only regret, is not making the recessed area bigger. It's a tight fit, as I did not account for the probes and TC connection.
  5. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    You will love it. If you do make the big one, read up on some of the changes that it needs to make it more user friendly. Like for instance, a removable charcoal grate. I am thinking of cutting mine out and making it removable.
  6. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    I thought about doing that, but I didn't like the look of it.
  7. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    Yeah, it's not sealing when the slam latch closes. I added more gasket material and have been thinking about getting a thicker gasket. But, I think I'm also happy with the added latch on the door as is, so I'll probably just leave it.
  8. J

    LCD display issue

    It could be any number of issues. Check your connections on LCD, make sure you don't have any solder bridges connecting pins together. Check the shift register for the same. Post some close up pictures of the top and bottom of both boards.
  9. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    When I was welding mine, I turn off all the lights and put a super bright light inside. Any pin holes were easy to find.
  10. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    Finally had some time for some paint
  11. J

    Free Rpi 3 B+ with $50 purchase and free overnight shipping

    One of my favorite places to order components from is Today, I happened to be ordering some TC amps and found that they are offering free Pi's with a $50 order. As always they have free overnight delivery also.
  12. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    JK, you need to post pics, lol
  13. J

    Using the Guru Pit Viper 10 with HM 4.3

    Can you take a good picture of it
  14. J

    Using the Guru Pit Viper 10 with HM 4.3

    If I'm correct, you and I had been talking on Tapatalk. I have not been able to text you back on there, when I try it just hangs and I have to close the app down. Anyways, you came to the right place together your question answered. If I had the blower in front of me, I could make an adapter...
  15. J

    Feature Request: slow descend

    Regardless how much charcoal is started without the HM attached, the idea is just get a stable temperature without having the blower or anything attached to the inlet so that air can enter the smoker unaided. Once the temp is stable to where ever it may be, add the HM and then add 20 or so...
  16. J

    Feature Request: slow descend

    Before you used the HM, how did your smoker behave? Did it keep a somewhat stable temperature?. Use a chimney starter at about half full or so and get it up to smoking temps without the HM attached, regardless of temperature, just get a stable temperature. Once stable, attach the HM and...
  17. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    I saw your post on the other forums, but you can post some info here without Frank getting mad at posting the plans. What issue are you having, I had all my stuff cut and all the dimensions we are spot on for the most part except, I did have some warping and if I'm reading your post correctly...
  18. J

    Wireless Probes

    You can do wireless probes on the Heatermeter. A older version of the Heatermeter has a spot for a wifi board. You had to solder the board onto the Heatermeter and have another board soldered on the probe side of setup. It needed to have a battery of some sorts on the probe. I still have...

