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  1. J

    General 3D Printing Thread

    The crazing can be removed by using a heatgun.
  2. J

    General 3D Printing Thread

    I only use Esun PET, can get on Amazon. I print it a 240°
  3. J

    Feature request - offloading probe board

    They do, but you can only use one or so, and you need thermowork probes. With adapter board you can have 50 feet between the probes and the heatermeter
  4. J

    General 3D Printing Thread

    After getting my Makergear turned for PET, that's all I print, now
  5. J

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    I have had a bfb1012hh for years. It's a 28cfm blower. On the gravity feed, I run it at 100%. I had it on my UDS and had a max of 30%.
  6. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    Roxul to expensive, you can get rock wool at much cheaper and free shipping
  7. J

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks Large gravity feed smoker Small pork shoulder No special settings, basically stock, I'm to lazy
  8. J

    PID tuning for mini gravity feed.

    I use any lump charcoal, I can buy at the time I'm at the store, mostly whatever Walmart has. It definitely your prob, a new one that's less sensitive
  9. J

    PID tuning for mini gravity feed.

    I made the larger gravity feed from and others on here have made the mini and I'm pretty sure they have had no issues with it. Not much needs to be done to them, and that's why I think your TC is likely the issue. I have a TC that the protective cover came of, although it...
  10. J

    PID tuning for mini gravity feed.

    What type of gravity feed do you have? My gravity feed did not need any PID tuning. I use the stock PID just fine. I think you may have other issues with you heatermeter. Your graph looks odd, looks like static or noise and is not stable. Does you TC have exposed wires where the two wires...
  11. J

    Off Topic - Build Mod for HM

    I wanted too, it it's too late now......
  12. J

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    1st I had a 9 pound butt, at 630am I put on a 35 pound suckling pig Double Pan Gravity Smoker Rd25 damper Stock PID settings
  13. J

    Anyone modified HM 4.3 case for Pi Zero?

    If you have a 3d printer then you can get the zero case on thingiverse.
  14. J

    HM3.2 / Linksys WRT54GL software upgrade question.

    Can't really answer your questions, but I was more curious that you actually still have a old Linkmeter set up and it works. I'm not sure whatever happened to mine, I think I still have the board somewhere, though.
  15. J

    Assembly help

    If you want to control the heatermeter from your phone off network, I use a free service called you set up the service and then you set your routers forwarding service to point to the Ip of the heatermeter and port 80. Mine is Its currently offline though
  16. J

    General 3D Printing Thread

    Click on the " Open it in Customizer" link and you will be able to modify the case and select top or bottom
  17. J

    General 3D Printing Thread

    You can download the file as both or just to or bottom. I also have issues when trying to print both together.
  18. J

    Assembly help

    If you have a Zero, then you need to solder a header to it. If you un-sure about doing that then maybe you instead get a rpi3, in which case you may need a new case of it was for the Zero. Did you buy this premade unit from someone via the forums? If so, then they should have already had...
  19. J

    Where to buy rotodamper with fan?

    I can make you one, if Ralph does not contact ya.

