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  1. J not in operation anymore?

    Im able to build them, give me a PM
  2. J

    Chip shortages and the future

    If you ever need one of the old buttons, let me know. I have around 30 or them
  3. J

    Chip shortages and the future

    You can order the PCBs on OSH Park...
  4. J

    Chip shortages and the future

    Also, I have an extra PI and I will be willing to let it go for a low price of $200, lol. I really can't believe some of the prices I have seen for them. There is a Rpi 4 model B for $220 on Amazon, thats insane.
  5. J

    Chip shortages and the future

    I don't keep in contact with him. I did send him a message not to long ago and he did help me out with some files. As for RPI's, from what I have heard they will be making more of them available to aftermarket hobbyists in the near future. The Foundation was mainly making them for the...
  6. J

    Chip shortages and the future

    I can understand him taking some needed break from the Heatermeter, as I have done also. I think this is more so result of less interest in the Heatermeter, shortages, cost and who knows what else. Covid has taken a toll on a lot of people and supplies, especially electronic components and...
  7. J

    Chip shortages and the future

    The pi was probably the biggest issue. Its not hard to source the parts from the list on Heatermeter github page. I do have most of the parts to build HM. The only thing I dont have are the PCBs and a few resistors for the button board. I have plenty of the other parts to make complete...
  8. J

    New Damper Options

    Im not familiar with the Adapt-a-damper, but if you like I can print you a damper with a Adapter board. The Adapter board would let ya use any cat5 cable without modifications to connect the blower and servo. PM me if you are interested.
  9. J

    Couple of questions

    Oh, I know the feeling, I have two kids of my own, a daughter thats 5 years old and a son that is 7. My daughter thinks she is the boss and can do anything she wants. Today, she called me at work from her Tablet to tell me she was mad that I brought home vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate...
  10. J

    First time build: temperature readings exceedingly high: any troubleshooting recommendations?

    Is your oki soldered correctly. Its supposed to be on the otherside?. Im not familiar with the alternative parts, so i guess its pins could be reversed.
  11. J

    Couple of questions

    It sounds like it has multiple problems with connections. It may just needs a good cleaning and if that doesn't help, then you will need to look over the board and see if there are any bad connections and soldering.
  12. J

    Servo permanent spinning

    Its been a really long time since i had to tinker with a servo, but, I will try to help. There is a setting that may help, its called Pulse Duration. Its for Calibrating the Servo. If memory serve me correctly, if the number is set to high, higher then what the servo expects, it will...
  13. J

    Problems changing wifi

    I know what you mean that the buttons sometimes trigger other buttons, but you shouldn't have to scroll that far. You can just hit the Lid Open button to get back to the main screen.
  14. J

    New Case Option for HM v4.3.6/RPi ZeroW

    Oh it prints good, it has been doing prints almost non-stop making large bearing covers for UPS, Amazon. They have been printing perfect. I am using a .5mm nozzle and I was not printing at full width, whiched caused problems. I used to print with a .35 nozzle, but the covers were taking upto...
  15. J

    Found a really good deal on AD8495 thermocouple amps

    AD8495 Ebay saler has a board for 3d printers, that uses the Ad8495. I purchaded a single board last month and it came as expected. I removed the chip from the board and soldered it to the Heatermeter, and it too works as it should. This time, I ordered the dual probe board and for $14(if...
  16. J

    Need .stl files for 4.3.3 zero case

    I guess you can export into a .step file and then Fusion360 can read that. A couple years ago I got into Sketchup for some home projects and work projects. Then I got a better job about a year ago and I started on a work side project that utilized my 3d printer. I never did any design work...
  17. J

    Need .stl files for 4.3.3 zero case

    If you can can you send the openscad file and I will import it to Fusion360. There are a few changes I want to make to the edges. Thanks for the .stl by the way
  18. J

    Need .stl files for 4.3.3 zero case

    Im not able to log in too Thingiverse to get the correct stl files as soething is wrong with logging into that site. I have tried all work arounds and even reset password a few times and still cant get the site to work. So, I need an older 4.3.3 case that uses all the orginal components and is...
  19. J

    New Case Option for HM v4.3.6/RPi ZeroW

    I wont be able to use the case as it is unfortunately. I am still able to make the 4.3.3 boards with the orginal components, as I have plenty of them. I guess the new probe jacks are smaller and thus the case doent fit properly. Otherwise, I do like the tighter fit for the board then the old...
  20. J

    New Case Option for HM v4.3.6/RPi ZeroW

    I have just about finished with the top piece, about 1.5 hours to print. The chamfer around the top did not print well. I will give the orginal zero case a print and see if it does the same. Im using a makergear M2 .5mm nozzle

