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  1. E

    Renownded Mr. Brown first time w/ photos

    Looking good David... what kind of smoker is that you are using?
  2. E

    Stoker or DigiQ II

    Richard, I think you will find that when using a ATC you will be able to be able to set it and forget it. I have had mine now for almost a year and absolutely love it. It is a god send when you're doing an over night cook and you set the temp for 225* and go to bed, then the next...
  3. E

    This Weeks Pulled Pork

    Damn, this must be some sort of record for butts cooked in one week on this site. I did two earlier as well. Tom, I sure like the way yours look prior to the smoking process. You've got some pretty high dollar spices that I can't even pronounce let alone spell. Does the chipotle over power the...
  4. E

    What are your Favorite Ribs to cook on the WSM?

    I'm partial to the St. Louis style, they just take a little is all. Just did some for a pot luck for our bowling league. They're gonners now...
  5. E

    Looking for some quick help

    Looks like the lid won't go on, but I know it did. I got try that on Friday as I am cooking some ribs for a pot luck where we are bowling. Should be fun along with some stuffed shrooms.
  6. E

    Not much Rancher left

    Damn, I am down to nine bags as well. Got plenty of cold beer though, well at least for tonight anyway. We finally saw the sun for the first time in about two weeks. For a while there I thought I moved to Seattle, but with no rain though. Guess I'll have to breakdown and buy some lump.
  7. E

    pork butt temps

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR: I'm a "long-haul" guy like Ed, like the long smokes. I'm currently mid-smoke on and 8.5 lb and 10 lb butt, sitting at 8.5 lb - 183/10 lb - 165...
  8. E

    Tips for steady heat on overnight smoke

    Gosh, I am not sure about that anymore. I did one earlier this week and it took 26.5 hours to complelte, but then again I did mine at 225*, and I use a DIGIQ II power draft system, so it did all the work for me. If yours is wind protected and you don't mind cooking it at 275*, you should be good...
  9. E

    pork butt temps

    I guess I have been just one of those guys who settles in for the long haul as I really enjoy long cooks, I had it at 225 for most of the cook and finished at 275 for the last couple of hours, or at least it seemed that long, at any rate the ECC is as advertised. It is virtually oderless and...
  10. E

    pork butt temps

    FINSHED... Finally after 27 hours of cooking or more like a hair over 26 hours and she came out spectacular. I must admit though after too many adult beverages I neglected to take any photos, and my guests and I literally got after it. I was totally surprised with the outcome as I would have...
  11. E

    pork butt temps

    well so far we are at 24.5 hours and still cooking away. I will let you know in the morning, right now I have to get caught up on my beer drinking...
  12. E

    pork butt temps

    OK gang, she's now up to 175 and climbing. Looks like we eat tonight before midnight, just wished I'd been sharp enough to have a few beers during all this stress...
  13. E

    pork butt temps

    It's burning with no problems. I just bumped it up again to 275*. Hope it doesn't dry it out, although it shouldn't as it's foiled. I just remembered what I did wrong... I haven't had a beer all day, that's why this darn thing is dragging on.
  14. E

    pork butt temps

    just foiled the darn thing and raised the temp up to 250*. I have had her on now for 24 hours and she is still at 169*. She's becoming a pain in my butt. It will be fine though, this is the second one that I have had these issues with, but I sure would like to eat before midnight.
  15. E

    pork butt temps

    What is the lowest internal temperature on a pork butt that any of you have stopped cooking safely at? Based on whatI am seeing, mine may end up being another 24-27 hour cook. It is at 168* and still climbing. I am using the ECC, as Larry R gave me a box to try this past Saturday and I decided...
  16. E

    Who's Smokin' this weekend?

    Larry everything turned out just great. That Prime Rib had tons of flavor and the green beans were to die for. I can't believe we actually left your place as early as we did. I really should have tried the cake, but I knew better. Thanks for the great meal, and once again job well done my...
  17. E

    Who's Smokin' this weekend?

    Bryan, i don't think i can remember how to get there, and the wind is blowing the wrong direction, so i'll have to go by memory and at my age, that could be a problem. I hope I get there before his nieghbor from across the street does.
  18. E

    Who's Smokin' this weekend?

    Larry, are you getting my emails? I tried calling too. What time tonight Brother?
  19. E

    Who's Smokin' this weekend?

    Ah yes, my bride and I are headed to Larry R's house for some prime rib and to hopefully watch the Utah Utes, and the NM Lobos play football. He's (Larry R.) a huge Ute fan and I am a huge Lobo fan, so it should be fun and hopefully we will remember everything the next day, as his SO is...

