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  1. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    Run ONE ground, lets say you use Pin8, which I would jumper to the GND on the power plug right near by on the HM board. Connect that one ground to the ground lug (sleeve) on all 3 probe jacks on the RD3. Then run the tip from each probe jack to 1,2,7 on the CAT5 jack and jumper 1,2,7 to 0,1,2...
  2. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    You want to use all 4 spare wires, three probe leads and a ground. At the HM you can tap the gnd right over to the power jack ground.
  3. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    For standard probes you dont really need the Aux board, you can just add three panel mount probe jacks to the RD3 wiring box (the one with three holes in it), wire them to the CAT5 jack and then add jumpers on the HM board for them and your done. On v6.3 of the aux board we designed it so you...
  4. R

    Number of Probes Supported by HM - Adding More?

    The heatermeter will give you one pit probe plus 3 meat probes, period. People have asked before about adding probes, lots of ideas tossed about, but nothing that can can be realistically implemented now or any time in the near future.
  5. R

    New Build: Not getting 5V or 3.3V

    Are you speaking about the B and B+? I didn't edit anything and the zero-w's both show up, the B and B+ do not.
  6. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    Yes, I used an op-amp controlled by a trimmer resistor to provide the offset reference voltage to the TC amp on the Aux Thermocouple board.
  7. R

    New Build: Not getting 5V or 3.3V

    I plugged my pi zero-w into my computer (windows 10 PRO), the first time the "installing new hardware" balloon popped up, after that it showed on the device manager when plugged in. Here is a screen shot of the device manager showing the entry for the pi zero-w. (BCM2708 Boot) I plugged in...
  8. R

    New Build: Not getting 5V or 3.3V

    Sorry you have no joy with your pi... If you solder in the headers yourself I suggest you only solder in the portion that is required for the HM (13 pairs starting on the SD slot end) This makes it harder to mate the pi improperly.
  9. R

    New Build: Not getting 5V or 3.3V

    Or maybe the HM file system or SD card got screwed up and no longer boots? I would try a new card freshly imaged. IDK if the zero w has any indicator LEDS? Power/Drive activity? You could also try plugging the pi into a USB on a computer and see if it is recognized? It should try to install new...
  10. R

    Thanks again, Bryan, Steve and Ralph (and all, really)

    This hobby can be a bit rough on the waistline! Glad you're still happy with your rig and found a way to make more healthy meals, I love my Akorn too... Last year I got a Vision B Diamond Cut Kamado for incredibly cheap (labor day sale at Sam's Club, they were clearing out midwest stock cheap...
  11. R

    New Build: Not getting 5V or 3.3V

    Thermistor probes need both the 10k and 100k resistors. The 100k is part of the RC filter circuit and must be present for all probes, the 10K is the pullup resistor that is required for thermistor probes only (thermocouple does not need a pullup resistor)
  12. R

    INTRODUCING: the "Roto Damper"

    Since the screw rotates with the servo horn (and gear beneath) the screw will not work loose no matter how lightly you tighten it, no need for loctite. If you are concerned that it is too tight test the motion without the screw installed and see if it still sticks? Over the past number of years...
  13. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    Yes, the basic idea is the tc amp is inside the RD3 so the TC can plug directly into the TC amp (as is required) and the output of the amp can push down the CAT5 cable without issue (without using special TC extender cables). The board can also be used to add a TC to a HM that does not have one.
  14. R

    INTRODUCING: the "Roto Damper"

    Sounds like you have a loose wire for the servo somewhere to me... Do you need to really press the servo into the RD3 or does it fit easily? If it is too tight the servo may bind, loosen up the slot a bit with a file or knife or something if that is the case.... or try it with the servo...
  15. R

    INTRODUCING: the "Roto Damper"

    Steve, shoot me an email at rotodamper AT Hot MAIL DOT COM and I will hook you up.
  16. R

    HM 4.3 fan and servo problem

    Could be a couple things.... First, I have helped others who had a bad flash of the AVR that made the blower act weird, so you might flash the AVR again to be sure it isn't software related. If the output of Q1 is maxing out at 8v (should be 12v) check the +12v side of R14 (refer the schematic...
  17. R

    HM 4.3 fan and servo problem

    First thing I would do is go to the HM config and set the fan to PULSE mode, this eliminates the feedback circuit which regulates the blower speed in voltage mode. Does your blower increment speed properly now? If so, then you have an issue with the feedback circuit, if not then you have a...
  18. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    The good news is that the thermocouple amp IC is back in stock! That part has no good substitute! This should be a good substitute for the capacitor I suggest you buy a...
  19. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    You should be able to get at that yellow test spot from the other side of the board, but none the less, glad you got it suss'd out!
  20. R

    Heatermeter Aux. Thermocouple And two probe board V6.1(Final Version)

    If you look at post 55 in this thread here I shared a color code diagram of what pins on the TC amp should be connected to what components. You can use a multimeter in continuity mode to test of they are connected or not... However, you may put enough pressure on them with the meter lead to make...

