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  1. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    Magically, the missing probe reappeared today without doing anything... IDK WTH....
  2. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    I dont recall installing any browser plugins recently, however, when I load chrome in incognito mode it does show all 3 probes... so I guess that indicates it is a browser plugin issue. I will look into that when I have time and report back when I find the culprit. Thank you for your help...
  3. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    I also noticed when I load the noise graph the pit probe is missing (It does show in Firefox)
  4. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    I did delete the user css section and reboot, probe1 was still missing so I figured that wasn't the problem. It's just odd that it is only chrome, firefox and MS Edge show all three probes. I've cleared the cache in chrome and tried every refresh keystroke I am aware to no avail.... Chrome is...
  5. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    No, I mean the whole segment where the probe1 temp should be is missing (in Chrome),,,,
  6. R

    Stable firmware release v15

    I have some odd behavior with my HM today, I did update to the latest release version but am not sure if it is related to this issue. In Chrome the temperature display (above the graph) does not show Probe1, I only see two sections which display probe 2 and 3 (in addition to the Pit Probe...
  7. R

    Reverse Voltage fried my HeaterMeter

    I've fixed one HM that was hit with reverse polarity, I believe the inductor in the blower feedback circuit was one of the things that fried. After reverse polarity was applied (and the smell of heat/burn detected and power quickly removed), I applied proper polarity power and the HM seemed to...
  8. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    I'm a fan of the rPi zero-w, smallest rPi of all so it may fit the 4.0, but I've never tried...
  9. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    I have seen micro SD cards get locked in read only before, never did find a fix for it, at some point you've gotta look at the cost of the item and the time you speed fixing it.... and just buy another card! I'd suggest a different brand/model. If you search the web for this topic you will find...
  10. R

    Airburner - HeaterMeter Success!

    Sounds like something you would see on the moonshiners show! lol My opinion, not the best idea, but not just because of the fireball potential.... First of all, I think pushing fire out of all those air burner holes would light your fire too much too fast... for low and slow you don't need a...
  11. R

    Airburner - HeaterMeter Success!

    Somebody did experiment with flexible copper, I think the main issue is that most stores only have small diameter flexible copper on the shelf... and when you reduce the diameter of the tubing you decrease the amount of air flow (or would need more static pressure to force the flow), so it...
  12. R

    Need Advice On a HeaterMeter Setup for WSM 18

    The above portion of your post confused me.... Generally the dog bowl is used to cover one of the vents on the WSM when NOT using an air-burner. When using an air burner the blower or damper is usually connected directly to the copper pipe, no dog bowl needed. I don't see how you could use a...
  13. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    FYI, today after reading more about the focus of the snapshot release being lid mode detection I decided to check those settings and try the update again. Yesterday my lid mode setting was at 100% when I did the update, the old way to disable for high heat cooking, and I got no temp display...
  14. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    FYI, I just flashed the latest snapshot release and after reboot linkmeter said it has no communication with the AVR, no temps were showing etc. I flashed back to the snapshot I downloaded 11-11 and it was working again. I re-downloaded the latest snapshot and flashed again with the same result...
  15. R

    Constantly setting set point off.

    100% is effectively OFF for lid detection. When the HM turns itself OFF does it say OFF for the set point or does it go blank? What setting are you running for lid detection? Are you seeing fluctuations on the pit probe when this is happening? If all the above are normal you could possibly have...
  16. R

    Killed 2 Pi Zero W today :( Why?!

    I've had a rPi zero-w in a HM (v4.24) powered on 24/7 for well over a year with no issues. Is it possible that a component or lead on the HMv4.3 board set can come into contact with the zero-w board if it moves around or something like that? I would be quick to point to the conformally coating...
  17. R

    Probe 3 inop

    Maybe you have a bunch of flux on the board? That can sometimes "kinda" short things out / drag things down. You can clean the board with some isopropyl alcohol (without power applied!) and a soft brush, let it dry thoroughly before you power on. I would say generally inspect your solder work...
  18. R

    Probe 3 inop

    There's not much circuit there for the probes, just the jack, the 10K pullup resistor and the RC filter (resistor and cap) and the ATMega. Have you verified the 3.3v is getting to the 10K pullup for probe3?
  19. R

    OSHPARK has new Service OSHCut

    Thanks for the heads up on this one, I could see this service come in handy! Your firepit looks great!
  20. R

    Back To Using Heatermeter

    Maybe they have a total block on port 80? Try adding an additional listening port on the HM so you don't have to forward 8080=>80, add 8080 to your HM so you can route 8080=>8080 instead. Not sure if this will fix, but worth a try.... Go to Config/Services/uHTTPd tab in the HM, in the HTTP...

