Search results

  1. Teddy J.

    Chicken Bombs! Heating Difficulties!

    That cooking grate is pretty full, the food may have been choking the exhaust enough to limit your high heat temp target. Next time if you didn’t use the bottom grate, I’d toss a couple down down from the top to free the the airflow up some. Also instead of opening the door or taking the lid...
  2. Teddy J.

    New technique for my Chile Colorado

    Rich - This looks amazing. What all is in the sauce bowl in picture 1?
  3. Teddy J.

    Three Pound Zuke Boat For Dinner

    Looks really good, and heck of a veggie.
  4. Teddy J.

    Three years since my last paella?!?!?

    What’s proper maintenance for these? I saw people complaining about rusting quick. Is that a product of using on a flat top stove or wrong cleaning procedure?
  5. Teddy J.

    Do you keep a fire extinguisher around your grill area?

    I keep one out back along with a nice long 100' water hose we use for the garden. On my Performer, 90% of the time I always use the coals banked in the front, and indirect or any resting meat in the back 1/2 of the grill. Grease fires in the ash catcher happen every so often, especially when...
  6. Teddy J.

    The smell of sweet redemption (it smells A LOT like Pork)

    Looks good! I've seen you say your favorite Mexican marinade and rubs, what's their names?
  7. Teddy J.

    8 Butts at Once And a Gator!

    Scott - Came for the pork, stayed for the gator. Looking forward to this. 👍
  8. Teddy J.

    Any advice for first attempt at boneless skinless thighs?

    Use them with the Roadside Chicken recipe from OG Bryan - you won’t regret it.
  9. Teddy J.

    Meat hook... Yay or Nay?

    Always wanted to try it, never done it.
  10. Teddy J.

    How many bags of charcoal have you burned so far in 2021?

    Michael - It doesn’t get much better reusing. I reuse every time.
  11. Teddy J.

    Friday Ribs

    I had the same issue until I went 100% lump. I felt the flavor of the KBB blue bag overtook my own seasonings. Once I switched I never went back.
  12. Teddy J.

    Running an empty water pan

    I can’t speak on the ATCs, never used one - but my natural progression with the 18”; Water in pan Clay saucer in pan Empty water pan Once I got accustomed to killing the temp runup a little earlier, it really made no discernible difference in temp control.
  13. Teddy J.

    WSM 18 running away

    Sometimes the fires fight you even with proper procedures. Grill on. Many times they turn out the better anyway. 😀
  14. Teddy J.

    Pork belly- burnt ends

    Yes yes and yes.
  15. Teddy J.

    Fire Starters - what are you using?

    I’ve got my Performer but regularly run out of gas and have to use something else. 🤦‍♂️ I generally buy whatever is available where I’m shopping, the Weber cubes are nice. The little strike a match fire starter things they sell at the grocery store get the job done, I usually break the stick...
  16. Teddy J.

    8 Butts at Once And a Gator!

    Scott - Came back to see how this worked out. Nice job, got plenty of room to spare too. 👍 That 22” is big. The most I ever packed my 18” was 6 butts, 7-9 lbs each. When I would pack it full like that I would only foil a dry water pan. I found I saved a bunch on fuel, and it didn’t make a...
  17. Teddy J.

    How many bags of charcoal have you burned so far in 2021?

    Cooking lump 6-7 nights a week, long cooks on Saturday or Sunday, and if most is grilling or medium to high heat - the charcoal use is high. Between the nightly cooks and then family on the weekends, it’s not out of the ordinary to burn 20+lbs a week if the rain stays away. We also don’t ever...
  18. Teddy J.

    How many bags of charcoal have you burned so far in 2021?

    😟 Rich - all the best from Florida.
  19. Teddy J.

    How many bags of charcoal have you burned so far in 2021?

    My goodness I was happy to see this. For a minute there I thought I had a problem. 😅
  20. Teddy J.

    High shipping prices from BBQ Guru

    Just some feedback on the shipping cost as someone who owns a business, part of which sells online. Minimum USPS First Class with commercial pricing these days is around $3.25 up to 4oz. Go to a 16oz and it’s close to $5. This is without price of label and mailer. Padded flat rate USPS...

