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  1. Robert W

    Pitminder questions after first cook

    Mike, Water may be your problem. I have a DigiQ and never use water in the pan. All you need is a empty foiled water pan. Keep your bottom vents taped shut, your top ~1/4 open, a full ring of charcoal, and your all set. If you have the 10CFM fan, close it down to half. That's the way I do...
  2. Robert W

    Help! Butt finished way too early for tonight's dinner

    I'm not sure altitude is a big issue here. I live at 5500 feet and have had no problems on overnight cooks. Prior to getting my DigiQ, my double-butt cooks would go 15-16 hours on one very full ring of Rancher charcoal (foiled pan/clay base -- no water). Now that I have a DigiQ, I get the...
  3. Robert W

    Pitminder questions after first cook

    Dan, I use a DigiQ, but with a foiled pan without water... It's not required. How long was your cook? Any charcoal left at the end of the cook? Was the water pan empty? Bob W.
  4. Robert W


    Here ya go Chris: Bob W.
  5. Robert W

    Pitminder/DIGIQII fan size

    Mike, I recently ordered/received the DigiQII with the 10cfm fan. No regrets. Bob W.
  6. Robert W

    Sides with Baby Backs

    There's always room for ABTs... Bob W.
  7. Robert W

    Neeley's ribs results

    Looks like everything turned out great despite the weather. Bet that umbrella smells good. Next time you use it while golfing, you'll probably get an overwelming urge for BBQ. Bob W
  8. Robert W

    4 butts -- which rack?

    Getting ready for a 4-butt over-nighter. Going to be using my DigiQ for the first time. I have 2 five pounders and 2 six pounders. Should I put the smaller butts on the bottom or top rack? I will be using an empty foiled pan (no water or clay saucer). Bob W.
  9. Robert W

    Just ordered my Tel-Tru

    Drill a hole in a wine bottle cork. Insert the thermometer in the the cork in the vent hole. Bob W.
  10. Robert W

    DigiQ II - clay base or only foiled pan?

    When using the DigiQ II, do I use a clay flower pot base or just a foiled water pan? Bob W
  11. Robert W

    Does BBQ tend to raise your bad cholesterol values?

    Jeff, Here is the link to the fatties: Bob W.
  12. Robert W

    looking for Tel-tru

    Dave, Check the "Trading Post" section. Currently offering 15% discount for TVWBB members. I just ordered one. Bob W.
  13. Robert W

    DigiQII complaint

    Ed, Thanks for pushing me over the edge...I am placing my order for DigiQII tomorrow. Bob W.
  14. Robert W

    What is everyone smoking for Super bowl ?

    Baby Backs and ABTs...
  15. Robert W

    ? for the guys in cold weather?

    Jon, I don't know what temp you plan on cooking at or the weight of your butts, but my last two-butt cook took 17 hours at 250 degrees (measured at the lid). I used a MM start, with clay pot base instead of water. 40 lit coals sounds like a bit much. I used 10 for mine. Bob W.
  16. Robert W

    Baby Backs: 3-2-1 or 2-2-1?

    Craig, What temp do you cook at? How high do "ramp up" to at the end? BobW.
  17. Robert W

    What is your favorite sauce with brisket?

    It's Sweet Baby Rays for me. Bob W
  18. Robert W

    putting out wood charcoals

    David, Close all the vents and the coals will die out. BoB W.
  19. Robert W

    Thermometer installation question

    Eric, What was the answer? 2.5? 4? Bob W.
  20. Robert W

    Best Dry Rub in a Can

    I have used the brisket/butt rub from on both briskets and butts...good stuff IMO. Bob W.

