Search results

  1. RCBaughn

    My first brisket - how I made it and photos too!

    That looks great! Can't believe yours turned out so good your first shot! My first one ended up going in the pressure cooker because it was still so tough and it ended up being dry and awful with no bark! BTW, that first picture threw me off. It looks just like a skinned cow tongue in that...
  2. RCBaughn

    Charcoal Challenged

    I am awful at opening charcoal, especially Kingsford and Royal Oak. I don't carry a pocketknife anymore since campus frowns upon it. I guess I should keep a utility knife close to the Performer and mini, but here lately I've just been taking my kitchen shears outside. Whenever I haven't used...
  3. RCBaughn

    Season a Cast Iron Griddle - Spirit 300

    That is a great way to do it Mr. Smith, those all turned out great. I learned how to season cast iron from Black Iron Dude's blog. He is a genius when it comes to using and seasoning cast iron, the guy knows his stuff and I'd trust his info over most anyone. Here is a link to his blog. On the...
  4. RCBaughn

    Shucked Oyster in Liquor Help

    I did these in muffin tins in the oven last night and MAN WERE THEY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! I was definitely pushing the date on them, but when I took the top off it had one of those kind like you see on sardine cans, the pull the tab and peel kind so they were definitely sealed airtight. Smelled good...
  5. RCBaughn

    Smoked Black Peppercorns

    Yes sir, that is it. And I have no idea the wattage on the soldering iron, it was just one of those el-cheapo Walmart $9 ones so I would imagine it is a pretty weak soldering iron but it worked great here. And yep, I loaded up the can about 3/4 of the way full and shoved the soldering iron all...
  6. RCBaughn

    Smoked Black Peppercorns

    I did reload once, but I didn't have that many chips in there the first time I don't think. If I would've packed them in there I think they would've burned slower from less oxygen and the fact that there was just more chips there too. Seems like the easiest option for cold smoking though. I was...
  7. RCBaughn

    Rocky Mountain Oysters

    Woah, where did you eat dog at?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Had to be Asia. What did it taste like? Beefy or porky?!? That is the one creature on God's creation that I couldn't eat. Anything with enough personality to show that much affection to humans is off the list. Now a cat..... I'd not starve to death if...
  8. RCBaughn

    Cuttlefish and Pasta

    Thanks everyone for the compliments. Black garlic is pretty awesome. Fermented but not tangy like sauerkraut, guess they really do have a special process. I read they have been making it in Asia forever. Yes sir! I've cooked squid and octopus before and was kinda thinking that cuttlefish would...
  9. RCBaughn

    Cuttlefish and Pasta

    Well I finally thawed these little suckers and decided it was time to grill them. Think I have been putting them off because I was afraid I would mess them up, and since they cost $9 for those few cuttlefish I didn't want to do that! I marinated them in lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and a bit...
  10. RCBaughn

    Shucked Oyster in Liquor Help

    Hehe, I hear ya Keith. Think I'ma open them, give em a sniff test, and if they smell okay I'ma do that bacon idea that David mentioned. Bacon and oysters are a natural pairing, but I sure didn't think of it at all. Thanks for reminding me of that BTW David, hope they smell fresh so I can at...
  11. RCBaughn

    Help With Mothers Day

    What's their favorite side dished? That's what I would go with, maybe hint around at what they really want for their special day. Getting them to want the same thing may be the problem though. I know that for my mom I am doing her favorite chocolate melting cake. It isn't a grilling or smoking...
  12. RCBaughn

    Deli meat...

    Maybe it was the brine, but I have a feeling it was more down to the person cooking it than any other outside influences. :cool:
  13. RCBaughn

    Kinds of grills that you have?

    Well, before I got my Performer all I had was the Spirit, and dad gave that to me since he had a Weber. The Spirit was free to him though, he got it for a safe driving award from UPS. Anywho, here is my lineup. Been using the Spirit due to time constraints a lot more recently compared to when I...
  14. RCBaughn

    Deli meat...

    I've never heard of pork neck cut as a whole slab of boneless meat like that. I bet it was flavorful since it is probably a tougher cut of meat but tender since it's cooked slow.
  15. RCBaughn

    First stab at a boston butt

    Definitely don't want to pull it hot! All those good juices will run out. Giving it a rest is just as crucial as doing the same for a steak if ya ask me. I rest all meat I cook, no matter how it's done. Well, not shrimp or stuff like that, but you get the point. :D I also recommend just using...
  16. RCBaughn

    Rocky Mountain Oysters

    Lord I just saw this thread from some random Google search I did and somehow this popped up. Wish I could try them! Can't seem to find fresh "oysters" anywhere around here. I love trying new things for sure. That and not wasting any part of an animal.
  17. RCBaughn

    Shucked Oyster in Liquor Help

    I got a small tub of shucked oysters in their liquor for $1.50 since they were close to date and was wondering if any of you fine fellas has any ideas on what I might could use them for on the grill? Don't want to make anything like oyster stuffing, I am just dead set on using them with the...
  18. RCBaughn

    Friday KFC

    I am amazed at how some of you guys can cook so well using cast iron on a grille. Takes a lot of skill to be able to maintain and regulate oil temp on a grill I can only imagine. Great looking meals no doubt.
  19. RCBaughn

    Throwdown #12: Ribeye Steak

    David, I forgot to add that I love how you cook your asparagus. I hate asparagus when it's just barely cooked at all, and even worse if it's just blanched. Baked or grilled, I like it cooked a good bit with a little char. Soft but not mushy at all. You hit the nail on the head with that too.
  20. RCBaughn

    Help with a menu - Southern US

    I have never heard of a BBQ sundae, so thank you for posting this. It is on my go-to next time I thaw out some frozen pulled pork I got in the freezer from my last cook. That sounds like it would be PERFECT for serving people at a get together. Having a little make your own sundae station with...

