Search results

  1. Jepprey P

    Go Anywhere Rotisserie Stacker Cooks (BBQ Lumpia and Spinning Wings)

    I first came across the Zifa rotisserie stacker in a post by George Curtis covering Gas Go Anywhere mods. ( I happended to be in Germany and had my WGA charcoal with me, so why not? I bought the stacker and a few other products from...
  2. Jepprey P

    Weber Go Anywhere Pork Butt and Chuck Roast Cooks

    Thanks, Cliff! I'm a fan of many of your posts.
  3. Jepprey P

    Weber Go Anywhere Pork Butt and Chuck Roast Cooks

    Setting up the Weber Go Anywhere for an indirect cook. Lower vent closed on the left, open on the right. Top right vent is closed and the top left is open. Small pork butt placed on a rack. Almost done! Plenty of charcoal left. Barbecue sandwiches are next. Another day, another WGA...
  4. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    Sam Bee, that's pretty cool! I don't need it, but it would be nice to have one to play and mess around with. I'll probably pick one up off of Amazon since the price is reasonable.
  5. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    George Curtis actually brought up the WGA mods in this thread, if you're interested: And I bought my WGA mods from the source in Germany while there, Zifa Grills...
  6. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    LMichaels and all, I was in Germany for a bit and took advantage of the fact that they sold the roti insert for the Qs. I also have a roti insert for the Weber Go Anywhere that I bought from a German vendor. The WGA insert is pretty cool and I consider the Go Anywhere one of my most versatile...
  7. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    LMichaels, how can i improve my q100 rotisserie cooks, if at all? Or do I need to post a new thread? Sorry, Gary Winters, for the high jack. Well, to tie it to the original post... How do you rotisserie under less than ideal conditions? What are the optimal and not-optimal conditions?
  8. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    Got it. Thanks for the clarification. Lifelong learner here. :D
  9. Jepprey P

    WSJ-Spatchcocked Chicken?

    Can a spatchcocked chicken (6-7 lbs.) be cooked in the Weber Smokey Joe Silver. It looks like it can fit. Asking for a friend and we are headed out for a road trip this weekend. Pros and cons would be helpful. Thanks!
  10. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    I think I messed this one up, too...
  11. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    LMichaels, I'm cooking rotisserie on a Q100, so I just get direct heat with the one and only burner. I need a heat deflector when I'm doing a rotisserie cook with a large piece of meat to prevent the outside from getting charred while the inside is still raw. Is there another way I'm supposed to...
  12. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    LMichaels, glad I could provide you some laughs. I guess I've been doing rotisserie wrong. Can you help me out and explain to me the one and only preferred way to do it. Thanks!
  13. Jepprey P

    Beecher's Mac & Cheese with Costco pork belly

    That looks amazing! I introduced pulled pork barbecue with mac and cheese to my daughter a few months ago and she loved it. She would go nuts over this!
  14. Jepprey P

    Rotisserie WITHOUT infrared?

    Gary, put a disposable aluminum pan under the chicken? That way you're cooking by convection rather than radiant heat.
  15. Jepprey P

    1 Week Until Jamie Purviance Q&A

    I love how I am a "new member" - I joined back in OCT 2010! (I started lurking in 2007 or early 2008.) I need to stop lurking and start contributing. :eek:
  16. Jepprey P

    1 Week Until Jamie Purviance Q&A

    Wow, looks good. I'm trying to stop buying new cookbooks - I may need to hold off on that goal!
  17. Jepprey P

    Free PDF mini-book & sample recipes from "Weber's Ultimate Grilling"

    Chris, thanks for posting this. I have most of Jamie Purviance's cookbooks. My first thought was, "Purviance cannot create new cooking content without rehashing the same recipes from his previous cookbooks." I've reconsidered after looking at the recipes in the mini pdf. It's nice to see...
  18. Jepprey P

    Hanging Pork Bellies

    Gateway Drum Smokers makes a rib hanger kit that fits the 22" WSM:
  19. Jepprey P

    Asian Turkey Burgers

    Wow, your plated picture actually looks better than the one in the Weber charcoal book! I will definitely try this recipe now - you've shown us some outstanding results.
  20. Jepprey P

    Burn-through kettle damage?

    I had the same issue this past summer with my five year old kettle. I e-mailed Weber customer service on a Sunday and didn't hear anything from them for a week. I returned home from work the following Friday and found a parcel on my porch with a new bowl from Weber...

