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  1. T

    MG90 servo source for adapt a damper

    These servos have been around for forever. They are themselves knockoffs from an earlier design. My hobby is radio controlled model aircraft. Thousands of these servos are in use in models all over the world. Buy the cheapest you can find. Give them a quick test, the failure mode is...
  2. T

    Prevent overshooting

    The top vent is almost closed. Whenever there is hardly any airflow the temperature starts to drop, which I think is a good thing (If i read all the threads correctly). That's when the HeaterMeter kicks in. Just a word here about the top vent. On MOST smokers no matter the type, having the...
  3. T

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    There is a lot of grease released when you smoke a brisket. The grease was already in the smoker and after you wrapped it you let in lots of air. I sometimes see variations like that when I get mini-grease fires peaking the temps at intervals like that. Tom
  4. T

    Adapt-a-Damper free to a good home

    Hah, first from the US I guess. BUT, give it to someone without a 3d printers as I can print these out like candy. Tom
  5. T

    The Adapt-a-Damper - Open Source Project

    I use PETG. no problems at all. Tom
  6. T

    Basic Info Help Needed

    Thanks. Tom
  7. T

    Basic Info Help Needed

    Can someone explain the questions I annotated on this image? Thanks, Tom
  8. T

    Suddenly "no pit probe"

    I get No Pit Probe until I jiggle the thermocouple plug into the side of the Heatermeater case. Tom
  9. T

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    I 3D printed mine. About as DIY as you can get. Posted about it here: Tom
  10. T

    *Newbie* Damper Question

    I printed both the Adapt-A-Damper and the MicroDamper. Both work perfectly. However, I don't think the MicroDamper is quite as versatile as the Adapt-A-Damper. It works great on my Kamado, but the air input required is not very high. It will cruse along holding 225°F for 24 hours or so...
  11. T

    4.3 Raspberry Pi zero case

    And it works perfectly. :) I have the Zero too and that's the case I printed. Fit like a glove. Tom
  12. T

    Compatible Probes

    Thanks, I'll keep looking. Tom
  13. T

    Compatible Probes

    Are these probes compatible with the current probes included in the software? Tom
  14. T

    Brand New Damper Design - "The Micro Damper"

    First no one claimed "that they won't melt". Second, I SPECIFICALLY said NOT to use PLA. My PETG printed plate, or one printed from ABS, works fine. And although the highest temperature longer cook I've done was holding 400°F, it has not suffered from MUCH higher temperatures during full-open...
  15. T

    1" adapter needed for RD3 and Microdamper - I didn't pay close enough attention.

    Um, I would return the "nice new adapter plate" :) and go with something that works better. But that's just me. Tom
  16. T

    1" adapter needed for RD3 and Microdamper - I didn't pay close enough attention.

    I posted something in this post that might help you. Tom
  17. T

    Brand New Damper Design - "The Micro Damper"

    Here is my MicroDamper setup on a Kamado Joe Classic II. It will work with other dampers too, as long as they attach with 1" NPT. The mounting panel and cap fitting are 3D printed from PETG filament and have held up to 400°F cooks just fine. Don't bother printing these with PLA, it will not...
  18. T

    I need a new grill!

    You will love your Weber Performer. Mine is an old Gen 2 still going strong. There are TONS of YouTube videos showing how to get the most out of Weber kettle style grills. The first accessory I would recommend you getting is getting a generic "Vortex" cone. They are available at less than...
  19. T

    Updating to latest Snapshot

    Thanks, I missed that in the old thread. Tom

