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  1. Dan CANADA

    New baby celebration cook

    Congrats Josh!! The chubby cheeks match the chubby taters :)
  2. Dan CANADA

    Carne asada research and cook.

    Now that's what I call a beer :)
  3. Dan CANADA

    Just sum drummies...........that ended up way too Hot!!!

    Tears of joy :) Looks good to me!
  4. Dan CANADA

    Just the usual....

    Jager and a monster eh? Can't say that I've tried that combo before.
  5. Dan CANADA

    My Valentine's Day contribution.

    I <3 steaks!
  6. Dan CANADA

    Weather Reprieve

    Great cook, but I like it the look on your dogs face the best :)
  7. Dan CANADA

    Throwdown #18: Beef Chuck Roast

    Great cooks everyone. This was not an easy choice.
  8. Dan CANADA

    All smoker fried chicken- Jamaican Jerk

    I was wondering what you meant by "fried it in the smoker", but as I scrolled through it became obvious
  9. Dan CANADA

    Chicken practice

    Practice? You talkin' bout practice? :)
  10. Dan CANADA

    Grilled Bratwurst!

    There's nothing like some nice juicy brats cooked over on the grill. Delicious!
  11. Dan CANADA

    Steak and 1st use of Foodsaver marinator accessory

    I've never seen this attachment before but I will keep an eye out for it going forward. I also have the same problem with Lowes.... I always leave with more in the bag. :)
  12. Dan CANADA

    A Little Grill for Little Hamburglars

    I didn't know there was a storm coming up. Hopefully it makes its way east before it gets to the border. Burgers look great!
  13. Dan CANADA

    The house of the rising sun

    Not too shabby for a last minute meal :)
  14. Dan CANADA

    Hump Day Bacon Cheese

    As Flanders would say, that looks scrum-didily-umptious
  15. Dan CANADA

    BBQ Chicken Pizza

    I had this for dinner but it was from a store (Pizza Pizza to be exact). I'm sure yours was better.
  16. Dan CANADA

    Prime Rib, Potatoes, and Mushrooms! and ICE!!

    Looks like the mini showed the ice who's boss. :)
  17. Dan CANADA

    Never Ending Quest

    Although somewhat different from conventional burgers, you may want to try smashed burgers cooked on a skillet. This is pretty much how the gourmet burger places around here operate.
  18. Dan CANADA

    Ribs Silverskin - Strip Down or AuNatural ??

    I always remove the silver skin on the bone side of the ribs before rubbing. I generally use a butter knife to get underneath and then grab it with a paper towel and RIIIIIP! I remove it because I find it gets a paper like texture after being cooked and isn't pleasant when eating. I also...
  19. Dan CANADA

    A Little Music With Chuck Eyes

    Looks good, but what's that green stuff under the pups?

