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  1. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    Ok, definitely something up with this card. Windows hates linux partitions sometimes
  2. R


    Do you mean an SSR? Solid State Relay? If so, then yes, I am doing it. It works out of the box but there was a setting you had to make on the AVR so it would not PWM, I want to say it did a 10 second time interval and so the at 60% power, it would turn the relay on for 6 seconds, then off 4.
  3. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    So I pulled the SD, deleted the data, formatted, and applies the 1229 I downloaded from the /dl page with wifi supplicant pre-loaded and re-flashed it to SD. When it booted, it still shows 1223 and I have the same loosing config behavior. Maybe I'm seeing some sort of a browser cache issue on...
  4. R

    Old HM Case

    What format is that case? I can probably do away with that power jack.
  5. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    Maybe a permissions issue? I tried to upgrade to the latest snapshot vis URL and downloaded file. I told it to proceed but upon reboot, still says LEDE Reboot SNAPSHOT 20201223
  6. R

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    I flashed the 12/23 snapshot on the new Pi3/Hm4.3.4 that I just built and am losing customizations upon a Pi reboot. It may be something else I've done incorrectly though. Timezone, CSS, hostname, and interface all revert to defaults.
  7. R

    Old HM Case

    Thanks sir. I'll have to look if it's a 4.0 or 4.1 HM I have, 4.0 iirc. This is the one I have semi-permanently attached to my electric smoker. I may just upgrade that to an old Pi3 I have and switch to 2 line on this one.
  8. R

    Old HM Case

    Hey man! This was a pre 4.2 case. See the buttresses on the corners?
  9. R

    Old HM Case

    Matt Miller did this one
  10. R

    Old HM Case

    Anyone have the stl for this old case?
  11. R

    4 Line LCD Build - BOM and any instructions.

    No sir, DXF would but SCAD only does that with 2D models.
  12. R

    4 Line LCD Build - BOM and any instructions.

    I have an older HM 4 line and decided to build a new on on the 4.3 platform. I'm good on the electronics bus will need to modify the case. I'm able to do what I need in F360 but am lost with OpenSCAD. Can anyone help with adding a 4 line cutout option? Or anyone help getting it to a format...
  13. R

    New Build - Flashing Lights

    If the AVR didn't auto-flash then something is probably wrong somewhere. I would use the image creator with per-entered wireless credentials and get access to the web interface first.
  14. R

    New Build - Flashing Lights

    There are 2 'computers' that work together to make this happen. The RPi runs the network and web interface and the AVR runs the temp control and LCD screen. First step is to connect to the RPi over the network, once you do that, flashing the AVR is very simple. Did you follow the instructions...
  15. R

    New Build - Flashing Lights

    Have you flashed the AVR? There are 2 separate systems that work together with separate firmware. Try to connect to the RPi via the network and then flash the AVR under Configuration/Linkmeter/AVR Firmware.
  16. R

    1st cook in 3 years

    What about e-ink?
  17. R

    1st cook in 3 years

    Lol, I know you did that just for me. Everyone I ever built had 4 lines. With ll the graphics horsepower of the RasPis, you should hang an LCD off one.
  18. R

    1st cook in 3 years

    I just had to post, between kids and work, it's been over 3 years since I've cooked but staying at home has its advantages. I built this HM back in 2014/2015 time-frame iirc and it fired right up. I updated the code and working flawlessly. Ribs for dinner! Thanks all!
  19. R

    Heatermeter on Pellet Grill

    Ok, I'm game. I don't have a lot of time either but I just put together a Louisiana 7 series and would love to have wifi capabilities on it. I successfullty converted my electric 'smokin-it' smoker and have been a heatermeter user since the very beginning. Lets get some progress on this together.
  20. R

    Does anyone want to help reverse engineer the Meater BLE probes?

    10-4, that answers it, looks like it will be RasPI for the foreseeable future. Take care.

