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  1. J

    Chest Freezers-5 cf

    Good info. Thank you, Sir.
  2. J

    Chest Freezers-5 cf

    What do you keep the thermostat dial on? I've got ours set at 5.5 out of 7 max., although the manual says 4.
  3. J

    For those of you who have external grease buckets

    I stuck an empty tomato sauce can in the bucket with a piece of folded foil as a chute. Works fine. I could care less about the appearance or appeal of a little bucket hanging off of a grill as long as the food it cooks tastes great.
  4. J

    Chest Freezers-5 cf

    No. I trashed the old one. It was a White Westinghouse...I think a long extinct brand. Fingers crossed it lasts nearly as long as it's predecessor.
  5. J

    BBQ/Grilling Cookbooks

    Me too. On my Mom's side. Her parents came over from Vilnius and settled in Brooklyn. I have vague memories of sausage, potatoes and cabbage being boiled...when I was about 5...that was a long time ago.
  6. J

    BBQ/Grilling Cookbooks

    May I ask why? I'm part.
  7. J

    Chest Freezers-5 cf

    We've had the same chest freezer for 15-20 years. It still runs fine but the gasket was shot so I replaced it with EPDM weather stripping which mostly worked with one small gap. I decided it's time for a new one so started to research a bit. What I found is that they're all essentially made in...
  8. J

    Good deal for me on Z Grill???

    Half the fun of buying something new is the hunt...this takes that part away. So no.
  9. J

    Testing a smoker tube

    The smoker boxes and wood chips work fine on gas grills. The smoke tube and pellets might but definitely not the way I tried them last night.
  10. J

    Testing a smoker tube

    So I tried the tube on the flavorizers with boneless chicken breasts last night. Fail. Zero smoke flavor and the pellets definitely completely burned up. My SS smoker box with wood chips works far better. I'll experiment a bit more with it though. I think it's too much heat on the flavorizers...
  11. J

    Testing a smoker tube

    I have one in it's original Burnzomatic metal box in the garage. I've not used it since Sharkbite fittings were invented. Fireplaces have all been gas and no more charcoal grills.
  12. J

    Testing a smoker tube

    I've been curious about smoker tubes...the kind you fill with pellets. So I bought one to try out...not as much for the Oakford pellet grill, but more for my Genesis II 325. Yes, I do have a smoker box for wood chips but for $8, worth a try. Everything I see on YouTube shows folks lighting it...
  13. J

    New Dog Pics - Post Pics Of Your Best Friend!

    Wally and Henry. Two very good boys... mostly.
  14. J

    Inkbird IBBQ-4T Got Wet we returned today from several days, including the 4th at our beach house. The Inkbird appears to have dried out and is currently charging. No signs of moisture. Don't know if it'll kick before it's time but seems AOK now.
  15. J

    What are you cooking for the 4th?

    Lobsters, corn 🌽, salad.
  16. J

    Inkbird IBBQ-4T Got Wet

    That's kind of the method I'm using now. Have it sitting with all port caps open on a sunny window sill about 12" above an HVAC vent.
  17. J

    Inkbird IBBQ-4T Got Wet

    Thanks. I thought of the oven idea but decided against it. Next best thing was putting it on the table on our deck, in the sun and a dry, breezy hot day. Time will tell. The screen is 50% dry...electronics and battery??? Anybody's guess.
  18. J

    Feedback and guidance on a replacement 5 ton HVAC, with AC being most important.

    Carrier, Bryant, Payne....installed by a competent expert.
  19. J

    Inkbird IBBQ-4T Got Wet

    Was cooking chicken thighs and legs on the Oakford yesterday and was about 3 minutes from pulling off the grill hoping for that crispy skin you guys have been talking about. The sky literally opened up and it poured like I've not seen it before. I got the chicken in much for the crispy...

