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  1. R

    Trader Joe's BBQ rub ( coffee and garlic) ?

    Me too. Too much sugar in it and not enough salt.
  2. R

    Stubbs sauce or marinade

    Chris in LA is right on. Stubbs original sauce is on the tart vinegar side and a delicious alternative to the sweet red sticky stuff like SBR and most others.
  3. R

    A Q-120 w/stand as main grill?

    I use my Baby Q much more than my other grills. I mostly just cook for the two of us and my Q100 is usually large enough and quite capable for most of my outdoor cooking. It's been my main Que for over 6 years now. Tonite I babycued a deep dish pizza in a 10" cast iron skillet.
  4. R

    Which CI grates to get?

    Here's another alternative idea.
  5. R

    SHOW US YOUR BBQ PIT CAVE (pics!!) :)

    My BBQ/ Brew cave is on my patio. It's covered and lighted so I can que and brew in any weather and after dark.
  6. R

    Char-Griller Kamado Kooker

    GRill diameter is 19.25
  7. R

    Char-Griller Kamado Kooker

    I have looked at the Chargriller kamado closely at Lowes. The removeable ash pan clamps on snugly (doesn't slide) and appears to seal very well. It has a good quality cast iron grate with a removeable center.
  8. R

    Price of Tri Tip

    There is a $1 per pound difference between trimmed and untrimmed around here.
  9. R

    Why doesn't Weber offer us other colors like these Euro models?

    I think these fancy colored kettles would be a big hit in America too,
  10. R

    Lighting Charcoal

    I use these. I break them in half so it's about 13 cents per start.
  11. R

    Weber announces sneak peek to 2012

    When will they give us the handle heat shields like the euro Webers?
  12. R

    Anyone know how to raise the cooking grate?

    Try using half as much charcoal and cook more slowly. That should cure your flame up problem and you'll save on charcoal too.

