Search results

  1. Russell Y

    Kingsford SteakAger

    The “Original SteakAger” was a device you put in the bottom of your fridge to dry age. It seems like Kingsford bought/combined with them and now offer three additional refrigerators for dry ageing meat. Time will tell if people will be willing to pay the price they are asking. It seems like a...
  2. Russell Y

    Kingsford SteakAger

    Dry aging is not for everyone. I dry age whole ribeye roasts vertically in a dorm size refrigerator. I have a computer fan to circulate the air and an UV light to kill germs. Humidity control for one roast is not critical as once the outer layer dries the humidity doesn’t matter. I started...
  3. Russell Y

    Letting your steak/roast come to room temperature

    A good sear is a function of moisture. Cook your steaks within 5 minutes of salting or after 40 minutes (even overnight in the fridge.). Between 5 minutes and 40 minutes the salt causes the surface of the steak to be moist, thereby reducing the ability to sear. Reference -...
  4. Russell Y

    Throw away all of your thermometers - Meet the Meatrix

    Found a advertisement in one of my subscribed emails for the Meatrix. I don't really know much about it, but it is new. Here is a link - and here is another one -
  5. Russell Y

    Help with Standing Rib Eye Roasts.

    Four potatoes take the same time to cook as one. So.... each roast cooks independently. Don’t let them touch each other. If if you want them finished at the same time, put the big one on first. Put the smaller one on when the time remaining is how long it takes to cook it. Cooking at 225...
  6. Russell Y

    Biggest Turkey that will fit in a wsm?

    Here are two posts on big turkeys-
  7. Russell Y

    Biggest Turkey that will fit in a wsm?

    Generally a 12-14# is recommended. There is an old post that one person fit a 23 pound turkey in his cooker, probably did it vertically.
  8. Russell Y

    Anyone Watching Good Eats: Reloaded?

    I have seen/read interviews about his new show. Many of the techniques he used are now outdated and he wants to update those shows. One example is that pasta used to be cooked by placing the pasta in boiling water. Now certain pasta's can be cooked with minimal water starting with room...
  9. Russell Y

    Would you cook it?

    If it looks like any of these PORK SHOULDER or any of these BOSTON BUTT, I'd cook it like this - PORK BUTT
  10. Russell Y

    Cooking Ideas for Oversized Pot & Lid ?

    If you have a good wood supply, make your own lump.
  11. Russell Y

    Tool for dry aging

    I have been using a dorm size refrigerator I got for $10 at a garage sale. Computer fan for circulation and Uv sanitizer, four whole ribeyes and one whole New York I am moving on. This freezer will be replacing it. $140 at...
  12. Russell Y

    Ribs on WSM

    I like to eat my mistakes. However too salty, maybe not. I like the two sauces you picked, but salt is the main ingredient in both. A little less sauce or thinning the sauce with a little apple juice might work. Sugars is what makes the ribs dark. Paprika then sugar then salt is what I see...
  13. Russell Y

    Stephen: How Is It Pronounced?

    Here is a Quora discussion on STEPH-EN CURRY - Russell
  14. Russell Y

    Question About the Serving Size Calculator

    I think that the majority of people that cook pork butts, the bone is in. So that is what I vote for. As BBQ is not a science, YMMV (your mileage my vary). Russell
  15. Russell Y

    Maverick 733 or ThermoPro TP-08

    I use my temperature probes mainly to monitor the WSM temperature. For two smokers, I'd just use the Smoke to monitor both pit temperatures. You might need another probe.
  16. Russell Y

    Hasselback Potato Cutter

    I have seen this - and this - How do you cut your hasselback potatoes? Russell
  17. Russell Y

    Charcoal grates vs cooking grates

    My lower cooking grate (which was a charcoal grate) has withered away because of no coating. I am getting this one and going to take better care of it Amazon 17" stainless steel grate
  18. Russell Y

    Smoking and Timing of Meals

    "Now if I can just stop being like a ball in a tennis match and make a final decision on which smoker to get!" That's a whole different topic. I've had an 18" wsm for few years now with a BBQ Guru. At times I wish it was larger (BDS or 22" WSM).
  19. Russell Y

    Smoking and Timing of Meals

    Smoking is an art, not a science. With experience comes wisdom. After a few cooks, you will be able to predict your finishing times better. Russell
  20. Russell Y

    FoodSaver alternative roll material

    Largest discount I have seen in a while - Foodsaver link Russell

