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  1. G

    Lid finish on the newer Q1200 and Q2200 models

    Ps, today i felt a black one. It was not smooth but not bad. Compared to the red one at ace, the black one would be considered smooth. Maybe a bad batch ?
  2. G

    Lid finish on the newer Q1200 and Q2200 models

    We have more moisture than you might think. Anyway, i use mine through the winter. But it does get coverd when not in use. It is outside and getting wet with moisture collecting under the cover. I do no more than oil the grate with pam. No matter when i need to grill, the grate is rust free...
  3. G

    The Humor Thread

    The ccw one has me chuckling constantly. Wonder if it will discharge if he farts ! All are great ones. Thanks for the laughs.
  4. G

    Lid finish on the newer Q1200 and Q2200 models

    Dont think they are doing that. I dont get the grate rust thing. I bought my q220 back in 2005 ? So my grate still looks basically new. I clean and oil it after each cook. Not the entire grate, just the top. Twice a year i give the whole grate a decent scrubbing. Then oil it up. I figure that...
  5. G

    Jumbo Joe handle loose

    Jumbo joe with the high handle and heat shield ? The plastic handle screw comes loose ? That is odd as i have never seen a screw come loose on any plastic handle. Maybe stripped out a bit ? Maybe try a slightly larger screw ? You may have to sand down the side ov the screw to fit in the hole.
  6. G

    Multiple minis built this summer

    What are you doing to prevent the ashes from plugging the lower vent ? I first used the sj with the can mod but was not satisfied though it cooked fine. So i got a smokey joe gold from my sister who was not using it and gave her a regular sj all refurbished. I used the sjg and much prefer it for...
  7. G

    Anyone want a Mini-WSM?

    I still use mine that i made many years ago. I do have an original 14 that for some reason i cant find time to put it together. All my plans for the summer never occured.😥
  8. G

    Charcoal go anywhere

    Depends on the situation but my go to is the go anywhere. But the smokey joe is fully capable of cooking whatever you need it to do. Course doing the can mod really enhances the sj. As an aside, when i use the sj i use coconut charcoal. Gives a nice smell and taste and burns much more evenly.
  9. G

    Lid finish on the newer Q1200 and Q2200 models

    Yup, was at ace yesterday. The red q1200 is still rough. I have not heard or read anything from weber as to why. And yes, rough enough to not be easily cleaned or wiped with a rag as i do on my red q220.
  10. G

    Charcoal go anywhere

    Drop by and pick it up !
  11. G

    22.5 lid out of round

    I actually made a lever tool to do that. Cut two pieces of wood to fit the curve of the lid. Than attach a lever set up that spreads out as you pull on the lever. Easy to make. Kind of like two pieces of wood. One longer than the other. Connect them midway. Thats your pivot point. Now as you...
  12. G

    '99 Red One Touch Gold Kettle Restore

    Awesome job ! And yes, i would have paid that price as you did.
  13. G

    Blue kettle coming back for 2020

    Yea, ace has red lid q1200s. Would love one but just cant pull the trigger.
  14. G

    Charcoal go anywhere

    So saturday i went to my favorite second hand store. I dont go as much as i used to but i just felt this need to go. So go i went and it didnt take to long for me to spot it. A wood handled charcoal go anywhere. Not beat up much if at all, just put away wet you could say. Grate is rusted but...
  15. G

    Jumbo Joe

    Duffle bag ? I go to a second hand store and constantly see bags of all sorts. Or sew your own !
  16. G

    Q1200 Gas Smell

    I think there is a schrader valve in there. I had one leaking and it was the schrader valve seal. At least check it.
  17. G

    weber q 1200 vs go-anywhere gas for travel grill

    The gga is fine for light cooking. Just mind the wind. If windy make a wind break from some cardboard. I have used mine for a hot dog party at the park. Did just fine and it was cold windy day.
  18. G

    Bugs $%#*&%(*%*&$*%^)_(*&

    Very nice ! And yes, in bug country, live behind screens.
  19. G

    Added a Performer to my backyard last night

    Yup, a bit of grate hangs down. Reminds me to cut mine.
  20. G

    Flat top grills

    Looking into getting a flat top grill for the back yard. Any suggestions, experiances ? Thanks,

