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  1. J

    "smokey taste"

    Thanks everyone for the help. I made some pulled pork and pulled beef over the weekend. I used two pieces of cherry wood they were in total about the size of a fist. They were 75% buried in the coals. I wrapped the meat to finish. There was about zero smoke taste, which I did not like. She...
  2. J

    Keri's Hog-Apple Baked Beans

    I made this over the weekend with some pulled pork. The beans stole the show, they were great! I used the cayenne, I love the way it finishes with a little spice. I'm not sure if anyone already mentioned this but I used a potato masher to breakup the apples, it worked well.
  3. J

    Pulled pork and pulled beef

    I made some pulled pork and pulled beef over the weekend. They were both good, although slightly dry. From what I've been reading I don't think they were done, or possibility they were too small (3lbs each)? Also I think I may have pulled everything too thin which also dried things out. The...
  4. J

    Do you use the lid for steaks?

    I go lid off to sear, then indirect covered if needed. I don't have the charcoal holders but I've used bricks before to raise the grate.
  5. J

    "smokey taste"

    It was a whole chicken cut in half and the temps were around 350°C. I've never burred the wood in the unlit coals as someone said earlier, I will try that also.
  6. J

    "smokey taste"

    Yep. I think i'll stick to grilled chicken for now. I'm planning on doing some ribs or brisket this weekend. I will let you guys know how it goes. Thanks for all the suggestions. Ps what s an OP?
  7. J

    First Cook

    It took a while but I finally figured out how to post picks from Picasa.
  8. J

    "smokey taste"

    Thanks for all the help. I will probably try no smoke. I will also try to get some apple and some type of non fruit wood. Mesquite? Im thinking maybe its something about the fruit woods. I looked on the menu of the restaurant we went to but it did not say what type of wood they use. I will...
  9. J

    Roadside Chicken

    It came out decent smoked. Next time I will definitely grill it. I think an overnight marinade is too much for smoking, its probably good for grilling though.
  10. J

    "smokey taste"

    I'm from western mass. It's tough to get any type of bbq stuff this time of year.
  11. J

    "smokey taste"

    What is creosote? I'm thinking of trying apple wood and a salt and pepper rub, then building off of that.
  12. J

    "smokey taste"

    Could be the chicken thing...she likes the ribs more than chicken, chicken is always a problem. I don't use lighter fluid and always keep the top vent 100% open. I'll try to change the wood. Maybe the charcoal also. Lump is hard to get this time or year in new england. So Apple is sounding...
  13. J

    "smokey taste"

    Just cherry, so yes I could be that. I thought cherry was mild though? What would be a good wood to try?
  14. J

    "smokey taste"

    My wife never likes the food I cook on the smoker. She always says it tastes too smokey just about every time. So I've been trying to use less wood, the last chicken I made I used one piece of cherry wood. It about half a fist size and dry. The only time she really did not say anything about...
  15. J

    First Cook

    They turned out decent, although they weren't quite done so I finished them in the oven.
  16. J

    First Cook

    I was able to sneak in a quick cook during the week. Road side chicken. I marinaded them last night, they are in the WSM right now. I probably would normally do this in my kettle, but that's buried in snow right now. I'm going hot ~350°C. I wanted 325°C but this is fine.
  17. J

    Roadside Chicken

    I was worried about this too. I'm glad I found this post. I am going to prep some chicken tonight and cook tomorrow. Did you use the regular recipe minus the oil? Kettle or WSM?
  18. J

    First Cook

    Well it did not come on Saturday. It should be here Monday so hopefully I'll do my first cook next weekend. I'll might do a butt, I've never attempted one on the kettle. The extra time will help me find a place for it. Space on the patio is at a premium right now. Thats my lonely kettle and...
  19. J

    First Cook

    My wsm is on its way...lets go fedex. I've smoked some on my Weber kettle, mostly ribs. Any advice of suggestions for the first cook?

