Recent content by Steve Petrone

  1. S

    Ever hurt your knee?

    I'm sure the hospital would be happy to provide the service when you pay for it....The insurance game is take in more than they pay out. It's really that simple.
  2. S

    First cook of the year

    Last year was not very productive in the BBQ department. I believe the first cook was in June. It was also the last cook of the year. Shame on me. 2025 will be much improved. My first cook will be in a day or 2. I made a batch of my 4 Pepper Rub and No. 5 Sauce with additions of some cayenne...
  3. S

    3 for 1 Cook

    Porchetta pulled at 190*. Took 15 hours. BBQ Butt still on....
  4. S

    Incredible BASEBALL

    NC won in dramatic fashion. Only to be followed up with the VOLS coming back to win a big one against a great Fl. State team. The college World Series is quite the show this year. Go VOLS.
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    3 for 1 Cook

    Sorry I have not figured out the pic process.... It's done when it's done. Been in the 150s since 5am. Foiled both butts and added some fuel an hour or so ago and bumped the temp up to 275. The chicken last night was wonderfull-you forget the flavor that comes with smoke when using a gasser...
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    3 for 1 Cook

    Yesterday I bought two nice 8lb. butts. My wife opted for a whole chicken for dinner tonight. My initial plan was to spatchcock it and cook on the genisis. After thinking about it, I opted to smoke the chicken with apple on the Wsm. Running low on time, I finished it on the gasser. Then I...
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    Running hot

    It served me well for many years.
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    Running hot

    Not trying to replicate anything. That was tongue in cheek. Just trying to make my best. I don't need to complicate my life with an offset either.
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    Running hot

    All I can say is I miss the best BBQ in TN ! At least for my tastes. Spares were some of the best I've ever done. I used the 4-Pepper Rub and rubbed sparingly. The brisket was excellent. I pulled it shy of 200* and it probably should have gone to 200* or slightly over. The flat was nice and...
  10. S

    Running hot

    Empty water pan foiled. I'm used to running a Piedmont pan. Brisket only took 10 hours today. As it's holding at 275*, I'll reheat the spares on the WSM for dinner.
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    Running hot

    8.5 hours in...closing in on 300* closing top vent down to 35-40% Yea 275 will work, its not my target tho
  12. S

    Running hot

    My new to me 18.5 is running a little hot. About 275. All lower vents closed. Top vent 50%. I'm surprised. I assume I'll have to work on the charcoal door.
  13. S

    How long does your WSM run on a single load of fuel?

    I believe the BBQ Spirits had their way with your fire.
  14. S

    Vacuum Seal Extra Coffee Beans

    Was gifted a 5lb. bag of boutique beans. I just freezer bagged them. Open to use then reseal the freezer bag and back into the freezer. So far so good. I mix the medium roast boutique beens 50-50 with dark roast Major Dickinson.
  15. S

    Coming home!

    Thanks for the welcome back. I'll try to twist a few recipes around to come up with some interesting flavors.

