Recent content by Rick Loewen

  1. R

    Local source for MCP1700-33

    Michael, I am in a similar situation as you, see the link about It so happens that the MOSFET I have extra is what you need. PM me your address and I will send it to you. Rick
  2. R

    New build, blower running full speed.

    +1 on that. I was ordering some extra parts, so by the time I found everything I opened up another Mouser window starting with the pages index for a fresh page, that's when it happened. I have gotten back to the old builds several other times this way. I was thinking 4.x Hardware (kind of...
  3. R

    New build, blower running full speed.

    Bryan, good catch. When I re-ordered I must have only gotten 3 BS170s and somehow plugged in a MCP1700-33 in the trouble spot. Is the BS170 a Radio Shack item? It is tough finding components in Orlando. We do have one cool place for parts, but it is hit or miss on anything popular and...
  4. R

    New build, blower running full speed.

    I tried a number of methods to set the blower speed, usually using the set temp of either 60 or 160 and the home page indicated either 0 or 100% and the LEDs confirmed. I also tried various values in the startup max. J. Rican, I find 'startup max' to be a 3-character max % field. Test...
  5. R

    New build, blower running full speed.

    Solder looks real good on Q3 Voltages to gnd on Q3: Blower G D S 0% 0.635V 11.82V 11.85V 100% 0.655V 11.82V 11.85V Checked solder joints on related BS170 and pin 5 of ATmega, also looks good. Noticed that blower comes on on immediately when powering up. Getting same...
  6. R

    New build, blower running full speed.

    Just completed a new build, everything went well and looked great on first look. After configuring and setup, I connected the blower for a bench test, and it runs at full speed all of the time in spite of the correct functions displaying on the LCD and Config page. I have a scope meter...
  7. R

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.2.4

    I just got my Mouser 688-SKQUBA 4 directional switch yesterday. I does line up nicely and looks like it will be easy to solder as mentioned above. They are showing 743 in stock right now. Rick

