Recent content by NateSebold

  1. N

    November 2 anyone running their heatermeter

    Great day! Wrapped it at that mid point and bumped up the heat twice. The UDS is dialed in!
  2. N

    November 2 anyone running their heatermeter

    Just put a 18lb brisket on!! Long live the heatermeter!!!
  3. N

    Heatermeter is great

    Look at that sexy graph. Overnight brisket, I let it push through the stall. Massive brisket. UDS smoker with RD3 fan. I recently bought a pizza steel stone that will work in my outdoor pizza oven and I put it right above fire in my uds. Ive cooked about 10 briskets and this was the best I've...
  4. N

    Wood Kiln - tangentially related to Heatermeter

    I decided to go with a shop lamp with a heat bulb like for a terrarium. I lined the inside with Reflectix insulation. And then some on the lid on the outside. It holds 170-190 even in the 20s at night in the Vermont Winter. I took my microdamper and turned it around to vent out moist air but...
  5. N

    Wanted suggestions for new pit probe

    I had the same issue this summer a thermocoupler I bought 5-6 years ago died. I ended up buying the thermoworks one but if you are looking for cheaper:
  6. N

    Wood Kiln - tangentially related to Heatermeter

    Not really related to Heatermeter but I am stuck between communities with the question and you all are amazing so I thought I would pose it here. So I would love to convert my UDS to a low volume wood drying kiln. I built WBegg's SSR sous vide controller a while back: Seen Here My UDS has a...
  7. N

    Battery Setup questions.

    I see the benefits of both setups. Kevin's is much more like what I currently have.. basically a battery pack that plugs directly into the heatermeter. I can recharge the AAs. I just didn't realize it only kicks out 500ma instead of 1 and that is causing me to not get full fan power. Tbh when I...
  8. N

    Battery Setup questions.

    Hey All, I was intrigued by the blower issue that Kevin raised and Bryan helped out with and I realized that my battery pack setup was not working correctly not enough power from AAs so I am thinking of wanting to fix this while being as versatile as possible. Possible battery uses for...
  9. N

    HeaterMeter 4.3 - Blower issues

    Hey thanks for bringing this up Kevin and thanks for the diagnostic Bryan. I had a similar thought after two cooks this week. Where my microdamper couldn't keep the temp up around 325 in my UDS. So I checked it out and was only getting 98 at "full power" but I was using a battery pack...
  10. N

    Brand New Damper Design - "The Micro Damper"

    Anyone build the Macrodamper? I was wondering if that is the right fan for this? Blower for Macrodamper?
  11. N

    4.3 Raspberry Pi zero case

    Awesome thanks so much
  12. N

    4.3 Raspberry Pi zero case

    Hello does anyone have a case designed with the raspberry pi zero in use with the 4.3. I would love to print my own. Best, Nate
  13. N

    Grab Bag of Questions

    thanks so much Bryan
  14. N

    Grab Bag of Questions

    I got a brand new 4.3 to go with my 4.2 for xmas. I am rethinking and re-imaging all my sdcards and the versions of Raspberry pi's that I have to go with each and have a few questions. First is about the Does this process rewrite the exisiting config info or would it only load if the...

