Recent content by Michael C.

  1. Michael C.

    Celebrating a friends birthday

    Great smoke ring! Looks very tasty!
  2. Michael C.

    BBQ Flank Steak

    Wow! That looks excellent!!!! I'll have to try that marinade too
  3. Michael C.

    February Thanksgiving

    Turkey looks great! I have 3 birds in the freezer from those Thanksgiving sales.
  4. Michael C.

    7 hour Baby Back on the Kettle

    great lookin'ribs!
  5. Michael C.

    Finally pulled the Wagyu trigger

    Wow that is awesome!!!!! I've been wanting to try Wagyu myself. just like you said, I heard it's very rich and a little goes a long way
  6. Michael C.

    McCormick's Griller's Choice

    Wow that looks really good!
  7. Michael C.

    Rosemary Turkey

    I used Rosemary from our garden, stuffed it underneath the skin and cavity, smoked it for about 4 hrs, basted it with butter every hour. After the breast read 165F, I wrapped the bird in foil and let it rest for a good hr or so. Very tender, juicy full of flavor. The aroma from the Rosemary was...
  8. Michael C.

    Pulled pork Tacos

    4 lb Pork roast on smoker for about 6hrs, very moist tender and juicy, made for some great tacos :)
  9. Michael C.

    Rosemary Turkey

    I took rosemary from our garden and place them under the skin and cavity. This bird smoke for about 4 hrs, basted with 2 sticks of butter, then wrapped in foil for an hr. This method has worked for me with great results. The smell and flavor of the rosemary was just amazing! Very tender and juicy.
  10. Michael C.

    Sunday Pulled Pork

    I found a small pork roast at Albertson, perfect for me and the wife, smoked for 6hrs, very tender and moist, happy with the results :)
  11. Michael C.

    Lodge Sportsman

    Bacon looks tasty, Love your cat :)
  12. Michael C.

    Spinning a bird

    It's been awhile since I used my Onlyfire Rotisserie on my weber grill, found some chicken on sale, said what the heck. Season the bird overnight with Kinder's Lemon garlic pepper rub. The weber ran very hot, I think I used too much charcoal, that's ok it still tasted great. I place a chunk of...
  13. Michael C.

    Sizzle test

    That's a Nice Big Steak!!!!
  14. Michael C.

    Baby Backs on Performer

    Great job on those ribs!!!!
  15. Michael C.

    Sunday Pizza again :)

    We are liking pizza from the grill lately, been hot in our area, no need to heat up the kitchen with the oven. We used fresh tomatoes from our garden, I pre heat the Weber pizza stone for about 20 minutes, using plenty of corn meal and a pizza peel. The crust has been nice and crunchy. These...

