Recent content by M Martin

  1. M

    First Brisket on 18.5

    It is not a real thick cut and not alot of difference in thickness throughout. I will cook fat down. I do have all all day so I am thinking low n slow. I am concerned a little because I am worried about over cooking it since it isn't real thick. Thanks for the input!
  2. M

    First Brisket on 18.5

    Ok, I know you guys always see this question, but I am open to any and all tips. Doing a 7.5 pound flat. Wondering about low/slow vs. high heat and the time differences, etc. Want to be ready for family dinner at say 5 pm. I see some people foil at 165 and some don't. What are the...
  3. M

    First smoke pretty good, but a few questions

    Thanks everyone, have a great fourth!
  4. M

    First smoke pretty good, but a few questions

    Thanks for your help. I was also thinking about "foiling" for the last hour or so. Is there a real advantage to doing that?
  5. M

    First smoke pretty good, but a few questions

    I got a WSM 18 for fathers day. I smoked baby backs on my first smoke last weekend. Overall it turned out pretty good. I will go thru my methods and then ask some questions. I used the minion method, using a full chimney of cold coals and then put 3/4 chimney hot coals on top of it. It...

