Recent content by JRobes

  1. J

    Smoker cart for WSM 14.5

    I offset the base to the right so that I can fit the charcoal chimney starter and other supplies next to the smoker base on the lower rack, wouldn't have fit if I centered it. The legs actually fall into the bottom shelf's wires pretty well, didn't have any issues with it trying to shift around...
  2. J

    Smoker cart for WSM 14.5

    Good morning guys and gals. Each year my city has a "citywide spring clean up" where everyone in town can put whatever junk they no longer want from their house at the curb and the city comes by and picks it up for free. Now, if you love old Weber Genesis grills (which we all do), this is a...
  3. J

    Re-found my love for Webers

    Well, after a couple grilling sessions on the new 2005 B grill, I think I'm going to sell it. I find the deeper firebox of the 1000LX makes temp control and flare ups much easier to handle, and the function of the 1000LX is definitely beating out the form of the 2005 B. It's a shame, I really...
  4. J

    Re-found my love for Webers

    ^ careful how you use those words around here :cool:
  5. J

    Re-found my love for Webers

    Oh so shiney. Going to have to throw a steak on her tonight to see how it performs compared to the 1996.
  6. J

    Re-found my love for Webers

    Good points. I have yet to grill on the 2005, new burners come in tomorrow though
  7. J

    Re-found my love for Webers

    When I finally save up enough to buy a house, I think my collection will get out of hand; my apartment garage's limited space is about all that's keeping me restricted from buying more. That, and my girlfriend who thought it was weird that I was just staring admiring my grills when I got this...
  8. J

    Re-found my love for Webers

    Thanks for all the compliments. I added a couple pics of my 2 grills side by side; I'm definitely leaning towards liking the 2005 more, but the 1996 has some charm of it's own. I'll probably hold onto both of them.
  9. J

    Re-found my love for Webers

    Hello everyone, First time poster here but long-time Weber Genesis fan. My dad had a one of the older Genesis grills for as long as I could remember growing up, and I always thought they were a stellar grill and loved cooking on it myself. I've now been living on my own for about 10 years...

