Recent content by Jim Morrell

  1. J

    Barbecuing on a wood deck

    Thank you all. This is all great advice. Even on a brick patio I only light my chimney in the bowl of the grill or smoker. Will just need to invest in some deck coverings and a good fire extinguisher.
  2. J

    Barbecuing on a wood deck

    Getting ready to move into a new house with a huge wooden deck that's about 6 feet above the backyard. Other than the grass, there's really no where else to set up my WSM. Do other folks ever use the WSM on a wood deck? Are there precautions you take? Was thinking I could set up some stone...
  3. J

    Prepping a whole pork shoulder

    The whole shoulders came out great. Had some trouble getting them up to 195. After 22 hours, I finally took them off when the thermometer was reading in 180's. Here are the pictures. Hopefully folks can see them. I haven't posted photos before...
  4. J

    Prepping a whole pork shoulder

    Thanks everybody for the help. Looks like it's gonna work. Both shoulders (20 lbs each) fit, though it did require a little pressure put on the lid at the start. They've been on for a little over 11 hours now. Just took the skin off and applied more rub to the newly exposed area...
  5. J

    Prepping a whole pork shoulder

    No, I'm actually doing TWO whole shoulders. It will be a mighty test of the WSM's capacity. Picked up the shoulders this afternoon and it will be a tight fit, but I think we can get 'em in there. Worst case scenario, we'll shave some meat off the butt end to make them fit.
  6. J

    Prepping a whole pork shoulder

    Thanks. Sounds like I'll wait 'til after its been on for a while to take the skin off. Any advice to doing that? Does the skin come off pretty easily at that point? Will I need to take the shoulder off the grill or can it be done while it's on?
  7. J

    Prepping a whole pork shoulder

    Thanks for the tips. I definitely want more bark so I'll probably try to take the skin off. I'm going to be doing two at the same time (if they'll fit) so I was also wondering how much time to allow. Sounds like 16-20 hours.
  8. J

    Prepping a whole pork shoulder

    Making my first attempt at a whole (16lb) pork shoulder this weekend. I have the Chris Lilly recipe which we plan to follow. Does anyone have any suggestions on prepping the meat? Specifically, I'm wondering if it's best to leave the skin on or take it off? Thanks in advance.

