Recent content by David Petr

  1. D

    Felling better and back at it sort of.

    welcome back mate! Hope your run of bad luck healthwise is over......always have enjoyed your post and this one looks great! Cheers Mate!!!
  2. D

    Merry Christmast... New Toy..... Weber Expandable Rack.

    8 hooks for ground shipping from I checked cabellas and the medium size hooks were six for 24.99 and didn't include things may have changed.....but i am looking forward to the hooks....just got my hanging smoker rack from amazon. . . .
  3. D

    Stuffed Chicken Thighs

    Tanya, looked at the that it has so many different options. . . . . . . thanks for the knowledge bump!!!
  4. D

    Brisket Success

    Great job on the brisket Chuck!! Ya i am used to paying .49, then .99, then 1.49 a pound for briskets.........i can't pull the trigger on the new!
  5. D

    Maiden Voyage: Kettle Pizza

    Great looking pies. . .
  6. D

    CHRISTmas Smoked Rosemary Pork Rib Roast and a new grill

    great looking roast!!!!
  7. D

    Stuffed Chicken Thighs

    Looks great....and excuse my ignorance but what is the vortex? Is it that different than putting two of the charcoal racks together??
  8. D

    Smoked Pig Belly

    that looks great jim. Slice it with a knife or a machine? Where did you purchase such a fine looking belly. I have been trolling some oriental markets but there bellies don't look near as good.
  9. D

    Best Tacos of my Life

    Looks fantastic....great job!

