Recent content by David McNutt

  1. D

    Sam's Choice charcoal

    I bought a bag at Wally World to try it out. It did OK. Produced lots of ash. (similar to kingsford in that regard) Also, I'm not a fan of the larger briquets. I just didn't like how they fit in the charcoal ring. Overall Sam's Choice did a satisfactory job. However I still prefer...
  2. D

    Water pan mods using ceramic briquettes?

    Inventory: 1 - brinkman water pan; 1 - water pan from an old Char-Broil H20 smoker; Ceramic briquettes from my old gas grill. I put 4 ceramic briquettes in the bottom of my brinkman pan. I set the Charbroil pan in the brinkman pan. (pseudo-piedmont). Put the remaining 40 or so ceramic...
  3. D

    Something other than pork, ?

    As a Texan it is my sworn duty to suggest a good mesquite smoked brisket. Market trimmed, yellow mustard slather, basic thrown together rub. Smoke for around 6 hrs. Then wrap with foil until you reach 190 deg. internal temp.

