No.5 Bacon Love / Corn Dog Bacon


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Diamond Member
No. 5 Bacon: Corn Dog Bacon

1. Cure & smoke pork belly to make bacon
2. Cut into 'hotdog' shape and brown in skillet
3. Apply BBQ rub
4. Insert popsicle stick, dip in prepared cornbread mix and deep fry
5. Drizzle with maple syrup

Yahoo...that sounds good!
I have experimented with a few things...this has only been cooked in my mind...I did a pork BBQ stick fried in a similar fashion.
Chop or pull BBQ, form around stick, freeze, dip in prepared cornmeal mix and fry....v good.
The more I thought about it, the more I thought fried bacon on a stick may be even better

