Japanese Peppers???


Paul R

I was given some peppers from a friend whose family has a restaurant. All he knows is that they are Japanese. They are obviously smoke dried. I took a pic, but can't figure how to post. There seems to be a lot of chileheads here, so, can someone venture a guess to what i've got? Use it in a rub or paste?

You could use them in a variety of ways depending on your personal taste. It's hard to venture a guess on what kind of chiles they are without a pic or description. Try this for posting pics. Taste them as they are and determine what heat level and flavor they have. From there you can grind them for a rub our rehydrate in a sauce.

Japanese chilies (aka chiles japones) are not usually smoked, but dried they have a slightly smoky flavor and medium heat. They are similar in appearance to chiles de árbol, though sometimes a bit larger; they are thicker walled though. They can be ground for dry rubs, reconstituted for paste rubs or sauces, or used whole or crushed for stir-fries or Thai braises.
Then they are likely jalapeños. Japones are more like chiles de árbols, pointy and narrow-shouldered.
Mystery solved. When i searched japones, i found the site from above, and stumbled on to the moritas. I was given two kinds of peppers, one from japan and one from mexico. Something was lost in translation when i received them. The light when on last night when my head hit the pillow. I have japones and dried chipotles(?) Your vast knowledge never ceases to amaze Kevin.


