Chipotle substitute???

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Can't find chipotle powder either eh? I found it once... Damned if I can remember where.

Cayenne Pepper is normally called for as a substitute for chipotle. If you want to add-back the smoke flavour you could add a drop of liquid smoke (or put it on your smoker). I'm convinced this is what most restaurants do for the "chipotle" dishes do up north anyways.

Also could use Jalapeno flakes, but these are just as hard to come by in Ontario.
FYI. At lunch today I walked past the spice rack at the local Fortino's Grocery Store. McCormick's had two spices labeled "NEW" on the shelf. Chipotle Pepper, and Ancho Pepper. $6 / bottle. Hopefully that means they'll keep these in Canadian distribution from now on.

No more compromises required.
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