Tri-Tip by flashlight


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I need to get my lighting situation squared away...I'm grilling in almost total darkness because of where my grill is located relative to patio lights. I'm thinking LED baseball cap or battery-powered lantern...but for now, a flashlight is the thing.

First grill of 2014...a big honkin' Costco tri-tip, rubbed simply with SusieQ, cooked on the Summit 450. Was a bit overdone on the thinnest end, but nice in the middle!


Mighty fine looking Tri tip Chris. I think you need to purchase a generator and then plug in some spot lights. Think of all the toys you can justify.
Nice color on the tri tip Chris.

Hopefully this year we can see more of your cooks. :)
Know the feeling of cooking in the dark with a flashlight. Our new house has the poorest excuse for a porch light on the patio, only rated at 25 watts, worthless!
Very nice looking tri tip though. Echo Tony R about seeing more of your cooks.
Great looking tri Chris. My sister gave me one of the LED baseball hats last year and I like it for
checking whats on the Weber in the dark. It gets the job done.
Nice tri tip Chris. I use a Coleman LED lantern this time of year all the time. Works real well, you can move the light right where you need it.

