Top Sirloin on the WSM


Wystan C

New member
Had a little cookout celebrating the Mother-in-Law's birthday. I decided that a couple of tri-tips would do just the trick. Unfortunately, the local butcher that I use was closed the whole week that I needed to get them. So I had to come up with plan B. Since I had my mind set on beef, I decided to see how a couple of top sirloins would turn out. I picked up two from the grocery store that weighed in at just over 2lbs each. The night before, I salted them and let them "dry-brine" in the fridge overnight. The next day, I threw them on the WSM at about 225F to get them up to about 120-125F internal temp. I seasoned them with a health dose of black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.

After I pulled them off of the smoker, I threw them over some direct heat (actually just moved the grate they were on directly over the coals in the bottom of the WSM) to get a nice char on the outside and bring them up to medium rare (about 135-140F internal temp).

I let them rest for a few minutes then sliced and served. Must have tasted ok... it didn't last long.

Outstanding cook on those TS that's the way to do them. Also a happy Birthday to your MIL.

