Sunday dinner - pulled beef tacos & pintos



TVWBB Super Fan
Ok, several posts from last week made me hungry, so I had to go with this for Sunday dinner!

First up, pintos & peppers:


I started with dried pintos, simmered for a couple hours in 50/50 chicken stock and water, then added bacon, onion, red bell pepper, 2 jalapenos, and a poblano. An hour later I added garlic powder, salt and hot chili powder, and simmered for another hour. The beans were super rich and really flavorful, not too hot but the flavor of the peppers came through.

Main course: smoked pulled chuck roast tacos.

I started with a 2 lb. and a 3 lb. chuck roast and Mexical mole rub:


after applying the rub:


and after a 4 hour rest wrapped in plastic wrap in the fridge:


6 hours on the smoker at 250-260, with a mix of hickory and mesquite. Foiled at 154 degrees when it stalled, and pulled at 200:


And the final product:


The flavor on the meat was amazing, and it was very tender, although on the dry side. I added back some of the juice/fat that rendered out and was captured in the foil, and that helped. It was a touch hard to shred in spots, I think another 20-30 minutes in the cooker would have helped that, but it was late and neither of us had eaten during the day.

This is the first chuck roast I've smoked... I wonder if injecting it before cooking would help with the dryness?

Anyway, thanks to all for the inspiration!
Guess what's for lunch today? :D

The pico, BTW, was donated by our neighbor, who made too much earlier in the day. It's a mix of dices onion, red and orange bell pepper, and jalapeno pepper. It tasted like he added a little bit of oil/vinegar to dress it. It was bright and flavorful, and a nice compliment to the smoked beef.
David, that is an awesome meal those tacos look wonderful. Could take a couple of them for sure.

