Ribs for Barb's Birthday


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Yesterday was Barb’s Birthday and she requested some ribs which of course I readily agreed too.
Being the neat lady she is she wanted to make desert while I did the ribs, sounds good to me.
I swore I wasn’t going to foil the ribs like I always have done in the past, but I chickened out and foiled them anyway.
We had homemade BBQ beans and corn on the bone with the ribs.
Desert was a homemade strawberry /raspberry pie. That pie was excellent.
Of course my talking scale said “one at a time please” this morning.

I've been using my homemade rub exclusively on my ribs for over thirty years.

The beginning of some good eats



Used Weber's Buzzin Honey BBQ sauce

Some nice flowers for my lady.


Simple but tasty

Some pie with Carmel ice cream, oh yeah!

Thanks for stopping by.
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Happy Birthday Barb!
Jo Anne has one next Monday.
Outstanding way to celebrate with Rich's ribs and Barb's beautiful pie!
Happy Birthday Barb! What a delicious looking birthday dinner. The pie looks amazing too, well done!
Happy Birthday Barb.

Rich the ribs look fantastic, care to share your homemade rub that you have used exclusively on your ribs for over thirty years?

Barb I have a sweet tooth and that pie and carmel ice cream looks delicious.

Rich is a lucky man, now go have another glass of wine and enjoy you Birthday.
Happy Birthday Barb! What a great collaboration. I am not sure if the candles should go on that pie or the ribs. And while we're handing out recipes - how about one for that awesome looking pie?


A very happy birthday to barb!!

No foil is the way to go for me. I feel the foil makes them too mushy. The pie looks fantastic.
Happy Birthday Barb!
Ribs look GREAT!
Liz' birthday was last Tuesday and for her birthday dinner she wanted ..... get this, Bacon & Eggs!
Happy Birthday Barb.

Rich the ribs look fantastic, care to share your homemade rub that you have used exclusively on your ribs for over thirty years?

Barb I have a sweet tooth and that pie and carmel ice cream looks delicious.

Rich is a lucky man, now go have another glass of wine and enjoy you Birthday.

Here ya go Jeff. It's a simple rub that I feel adds to the ribs and doesn't hide the flavor of the pork.

Rich’s Baby Back Rub

¾ cup packed golden brown sugar
¼ cup paprika
2 1/2 TBLS course salt
2 ½ TBLS ground black pepper
1 TBLS onion powder
½ - 1 TSP cayenne pepper

This will do about 2-3 racks of baby back ribs. If you desire you can double or triple the recipe as it stores well.

