Ribs and dog treats.


Jason Noble

TVWBB All-Star
A little while back I cooked some Asian flavored ribs. My wife and I enjoyed them so much I decided to give them another go.

Marinaded for 6 hours then on the rotisserie. Here is a link to the recipe.http://www.foodservicedirector.com/menu-development/recipedia/articles/asian-flavored-baby-back-ribs

047 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

After 45 min.

052 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

I made a Vietnamese rice noodle salad to go with the ribs. Also a dipping sauce/dressing.

055 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
056 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

I cooked the ribs for 2 hrs then rested under foil for 10 min. While not as tender as WSM ribs they had a nice crisp exterior while still retaining some moisture. Probably could of pulled them off 15 min sooner. Very delicious though.

Earlier that week I made some dog treats out of leftover skin from a picnic roast. Needless to say the pup loves them.

025 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
037 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
049 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
Great pics and by the looks of the last one my the question is, I'm still waitting!!!
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My dog is my BBQ buddy, won't leave my side from the moment I fire them up. I buy stew bones for him, BBQ them while BBQ-ing, and he's a happy puppy! My dog (Bandit) would love those left over skins, but he'd probably swallow them without even chewing them
Great looking cook. Interested in what went into the Vietnamese Rice Noodle Salad
Excellent looking ribs, the marinade you used sounds really good!!! if I was around the dog would have had to fight me for those doggie treats!!
Nice ribs and treats, cute pup too! I'll bet your pup is like ours, Raddy will eat anything that won't eat her first.
I'd eet those DOG treats! For BREAKFAST!
JiminyCrickets, toss the dog a steak instead!

and your ribs look EXCELLENT!

