John Does pork butt/brisket/rib video


Colby R

TVWBB Super Fan
Is it just me or is there way too much emphasis placed on people following recipes of people they think are superior to them and not enough of doing things trial and error and how you think they should be done? I can't count how many Aaron Franklin and Harry So's videos threads have been started lately smoking really isn't that difficult I have had more luck following what my grandparents taught me as general rules in cooking than I have following "famous" methods of smoking .... Don't think that because someone ends up on bbq pitmasters that they're a better bbq smoker than you or know more because I'm sure I'll step on toes but it is a money game and just because they make it that far really doesn't make them the best or there smokers the best the best smoked Q I've had is still off my own WSM and the worry Q I've had is people who catered friends weddings and events that claimed to be award winning competition bbq teams ... Here I'll give a piece of advice next time you smoke or grill drum sticks pull the skin all the way down without ripping it and season under it on the meat roll the skin up and season a bit on the skin as we'll if it isn't better than any chicken you've had I'll be very surprised
Here I'll give a piece of advice next time you smoke or grill drum sticks pull the skin all the way down without ripping it and season under it on the meat roll the skin up and season a bit on the skin as we'll if it isn't better than any chicken you've had I'll be very surprised

Good suggestion, Colby.

Later today (Saturday), 60 teams will be cooking some of the best chicken I've ever had. Harry will be one of them.
What you see on those videos are just part of the story as they are intended for the general public.
Like the treasures passed down from your forefathers, similar treasures are passed down from the award winning pitmasters.
Those treasures are made available during classes given by those award winning pitmasters.
The way I look at BBQ is there are two different, but equal trends ( Flavor and Technique) The last popular flavor trend was using squeezed margarine, brown sugar, than honey on ribs. I tried that once and didn't care for it.
The newest technique is following AF's method of wrapping a brisket with butcher paper. I have yet to try that, but all of the reviews I read here were positive, so I'll give it a go on my next brisket smoke.
Like anything, take it for what it's worth till you try it.:wsm:

Read the rules Dwain posted before and agree with all of them.
There are lots of great experienced chefs on this site and I have learned a lot from all of them. With that said I take what I can and apply my preferences and ideas to create my own dishes based on what I see and read here. Some are colossal failures and that’s part of the learning curve and I try not to get to serious about it, because when it quits being fun I'm going to quite doing it.
And to Colby's suggestion of doing the seasoning under the skin, been doing that for over twenty years works great.
Rich it makes some killer chicken I been doing it for a couple years now the guys that got me into smoking bbq showed me that I love it
I have had some competition BBQ and honestly, i am not a fan. I know i saw on the BBQ pit masters they were all talking and said competition BBQ is completely different as it is a one bit sample and not something you would eat a whole plate of.

For me, i like getting ideas from people but for the most part i just go for it and see what happens and note anything i didn't like or if there was anything i wanted to change for the next go around.
I'll blab this much:

• No one makes better spare ribs than I do, at least, I have NOT tasted better.
Sure, sometimes my ribs are boring and are downright blah... but overall, I have never tasted better ribs than what comes off the grills or smokers in this yard.
Same goes for pulled pork. And I've tried many. Not honkin' my own horn, it's just true. I LOOK for better ribs... can't find them.

• I have made brisket a few times to the point where it's just OK... I do not go out of my way to make brisket.
However, seeing brisket made by Aaron Franklin, and hearing how GREAT it is, gives me inspiration to try it how he makes it. And that includes using the same beef he does. If I screw it up, that's me. Not necessarily his technique...

• and I agree with this ▼
For me, i like getting ideas from people but for the most part i just go for it and see what happens and note anything i didn't like or if there was anything i wanted to change for the next go around.

