Free: WSM insulated cover


Chris Allingham

Staff member
In my continuing effort to pass along excess stuff I'm not using, if anyone would like this WSM insulated cover, I'd be happy to mail it to you for free. Just let me know.


Oh, I don't know. A Summit gas grill, two 18" WSMs, two 14" WSMs, a 22" WSM, and a Jumbo Joe. 4 chimney starters, two Weber hanging kits, 3 rib racks, a bunch of cooking grates, grilling tools, a bunch of Weber ephemera, and more.

Holy WSM's....!!!!
Alight just checking in, wouldn't want you to do anything crazy you know.........
My wife already thinks it is ridiculous that I have an 18" and a 22" WSM. I just want to have all three lined up and smoking at the same time to prove to her how much fun it is!

