First pork butt


Brady ATX

New member
This turned out dang good. Used Meat Church seasoning, I believe there here out of Texas. Very good stuff and worth looking into even though they're big Egg folks. This was just a small guy, 5.5lbs but super cheap compared to brisket. Brisket here is like 3.50/lb, thanks a lot Franklin! Smoked this bad boy with Hickory and Cherry from 9am-4pm. Wrapped during the stall at 165, took off at 205, let sit in a cooler with towel for about 2 hrs. Broke apart very easily, did sandwiches and the SO did tacos. Had plenty of leftovers. But I can see why these are so popular, easy, cheap and taste good. Sorry no plating pics, didn't want to wait.



Brisket here is like 3.50/lb, thanks a lot Franklin!

Nice looking butt! The pork, of course... :p

I was at a mom'n'pop grocery store today looking for some grub for lunch. I happened to notice the meat case contained ONE packer brisket in Cryovac. Out of curiosity, I asked the price and the butcher told me it was $11.19/lb!!!! I just about fell over.
Great looking pork Brady. I have the same problem with brisket in Montana. Suddenly it's become popular and therefore too expensive for my wallet.

