Father's Day Tomahawk Steak


Phil Perrin

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Pammi and I usually eat steak once a week. It's usually a rib eye from our favorite butchers at Earth Fare in Huntersville. This week they had tomahawk ribeyes for a really decent price,so you KNOW we had to go get one!
This thing was HUGE! Almost 2 pounds! Liberally seasoned with SPOG after I left it out while the lump got started.
By the way,that platter is what I usually put a slab of ribs on to serve 'em!
It went indirect for about 10 minutes to cook before I moved it direct to char and finish. I also put an ear of corn on at the same time!
OMG! That was a tender steak. And,there's some left for breakfast! Woo hoo!
The bone was big enough for BOTH the dogs,but they wouldn't share,so I had to let one chew on it for a bit,then give it to the other to chew on. Pretty funny to watch. Here's Daisy impatiently waiting her turn!
Thanks for looking and happy Father's day!!!
Wow Phil - that steask is a thing of beauty - it looks like a steak you would see on The Flintstones - nice reverse sear techinque...


That is one awesome steak but never heard of a tomahawk before. I'm sure the dogs said thank you. Happy Fathers Day.

